Lynn Vincent | WORLD
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Lynn Vincent

Lynn Vincent

Lynn is executive editor of WORLD Magazine and producer/host of the true crime podcast Lawless. She is the New York Times best-selling author or co-author of a dozen nonfiction books, including Same Kind of Different As Me and Indianapolis. Lynn lives in the mountains east of San Diego, Calif.

Articles by Lynn Vincent
Two by two

Two by two

Lynn Vincent | The high court opens its first full term under John Roberts by taking on key social-issue cases

Lynn Vincent | With U.S.

Lynn Vincent | Only a handful of Christian schools provide high-end help for disabled learners

Lynn Vincent | Brittany McComb is now a freshman at Biola University, but the battle over her censored high-school valedictory speech lives on


Lynn Vincent | After body is discovered, police and legislators line up to prosecute for murder Florida abortion clinic personnel

Lynn Vincent | Faith-based law firms gain clout and a milestone: 25 years of battling misperceptions about a constitutional "wall of separation" between secular and religious life

Lynn Vincent | That's just the beginning of the list of good things happening in Iraq

Lynn Vincent | Judge gives boost to Christian schools' case against the University of California

Lynn Vincent | Five years later, a survivor of the Twin Towers' collapse-and real-life hero of the new movie World Trade Center-sees each day as an opportunity to "do right"

Lynn Vincent | Five professors say that Patrick Henry College encroached on their academic freedom, but the administration says it is preventing the slide to secularism that has characterized many once-Christian colleges