Lynn Vincent | WORLD
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Lynn Vincent

Lynn Vincent

Lynn is executive editor of WORLD Magazine and producer/host of the true crime podcast Lawless. She is the New York Times best-selling author or co-author of a dozen nonfiction books, including Same Kind of Different As Me and Indianapolis. Lynn lives in the mountains east of San Diego, Calif.

Articles by Lynn Vincent
Reforming school reform

Reforming school reform

Lynn Vincent | Analysts and lawmakers try to rescue No Child Left Behind

Lynn Vincent | Boys will be boys-and girls, girls-even in supporting U.S.

Lynn Vincent | Overall abortion rates are falling, but the black abortion rate remains stubbornly high.

Lynn Vincent | With an abrupt change of orders, a Pacific carrier group heads to the Persian Gulf, doubling U.S.


Lynn Vincent | Republicans in the Senate divide over Bush plan to send more troops to Iraq

Lynn Vincent | The Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion turns 34 years old this month, just as seven pro-life Democrats join the new majority on Capitol Hill.

Lynn Vincent | Researchers may have discovered a way around the embryonic stem-cell debate-and other life issues to watch

Lynn Vincent | State lawmakers roll back the Roe v.

Lynn Vincent | A Midwestern political junkie; a Ph.D.

Lynn Vincent | Pastor Rick Warren stirs passions-and politics-at church AIDS summit