Leah Savas | WORLD
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Leah Savas

Leah Savas

Leah is the life beat reporter for WORLD News Group. She is a graduate of Hillsdale College and the World Journalism Institute and resides in Grand Rapids, Mich., with her husband, Stephen.

Follow Leah Savas on Twitter @leahsavas

Articles by Leah Savas

Chronicling the pro-life movement

Leah Savas | 40th anniversary feature: WORLD’s coverage of the battle for the unborn highlights the highs and lows of a movement with often unexpected allies

Leah Savas | Ultrasound technology is a powerful tool against the culture of death—but it has its limits

Grassroots pro-lifers push for a universal flag, but it may take time to gain traction

The Mexican state of Veracruz legalizes abortion despite a pro-life constitutional amendment


Survey data reveal the public has nuanced and sometimes uninformed views on life issues

For now, Iowa can keep Planned Parenthood out of the government-funded sex education

Only two of six states still protect life’s sanctity at its end

Judges may hold off evaluating protections for unborn babies until the nation’s highest court rules

Democrats in Congress reintroduce a bill to undo state pro-life legislative progress

With a circuit split on the issue of Down syndrome abortions, pro-lifers are looking to the Supreme Court to weigh in