Jenny is a WORLD Radio correspondent and co-host of the Legal Docket podcast. She is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute and Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law. Jenny resides with her husband Ron in Alexandria, Va.
An artist experiences an illness that erases more than a decade of her memories
A preview of cases in the 2023-2024 term of the Supreme Court
Law schools implement a rule from the American Bar Association to instill professionalism in new lawyers
Jenny Rough | One man’s mission to restore patent rights to inventors
Behind the scenes at the trial of an ISIS terrorist who kidnapped and beheaded Americans a decade ago
An Albanian family struggles desperately to avoid getting caught up in “blood feud”
An Albanian family struggles desperately to avoid getting caught up in “blood feud”
Cases of religious liberty and freedom of speech in India, Nigeria, Germany, and the United Kingdom
The Supreme Court’s ruling in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard finds race-based admissions practices unconstitutional