Jamie Dean | WORLD
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Jamie Dean

Jamie Dean

Jamie is a journalist and the former national editor of WORLD Magazine. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate and also previously worked for The Charlotte World. Jamie resides in Charlotte, N.C.

Articles by Jamie Dean
Going by the book

Going by the book

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch’s constitutional originalism contrasts with his church’s evolving view of the Bible

Christ died for sinners of all kinds to restore the image of God in people made for His glory

Egyptian Christians mourn fellow believers slain in Palm Sunday bombings, vowing to persevere

Pro-life activists face charges for methods pro-abortion advocates have long hailed


Jamie Dean | Some say the growing rush to label children ‘transgender’ promotes physician-approved child abuse. But speaking out against the practice provokes ire. Who will defend the vulnerable?

Jamie Dean | Christian leaders offer better reading options than last year’s Christian bestsellers

Jamie Dean | Years of suffering and violence led to the creation of South Sudan in 2011. Now more fighting threatens to kill it. The story of how a young republic escaped Christian persecution, then quickly devolved into civil war, is an ongoing drama marked by danger

Jamie Dean | Increasingly popular but as risky as ever, chemical abortion raises new challenges for the pro-life movement

The appeal of HGTV’s Chip and Joanna Gaines is rooted in the Christian faith some media outlets scorn

Jamie Dean | The 2016 U.S. presidential election may be over, but vulnerable populations remain burdened by personal struggles and practical needs. Regardless of politics, Christians are best poised to offer help where it’s most needed