Henry Olsen | WORLD
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Henry Olsen

Henry is a former WORLD correspondent.

Articles by Henry Olsen
2020 vision

2020 vision

Gaining Senate control in 2020 seems an unlikely prospect for Democrats

The midterm elections showed less-churched Americans are trending Democratic

Election Day turnout isn’t the only way voter enthusiasm will make a difference this year

Four types of districts can help us predict the outcome of the midterms


U.S. Senate races in Texas, New Mexico, and New Jersey could become unexpectedly close in the fall

How post-Reagan Republicans suffer from an ‘empathy gap’

Watch Miami, Minneapolis, and Philadelphia as midterm races heat up

Incumbent Democrats may not have big enough leads now to keep Senate seats

Flawed campaigns now may decide which party wins—or loses—in the fall 

Democratic win in Wisconsin says a little, not a lot, about November