Emily Belz | WORLD
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Emily Belz

Emily Belz

Emily is a former senior reporter for WORLD Magazine. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate and also previously reported for the New York Daily News, The Indianapolis Star, and Philanthropy magazine. Emily resides in New York City.

Follow Emily Belz on Twitter @emlybelz

Articles by Emily Belz
A culture for predators

A culture for predators

Emily Belz | The structure of the film industry gives cover to sexual misbehavior

Two children from separate decades wander New York in Wonderstruck

Two big moves from the Trump administration make a bombshell day for religious liberty protections

Emily Belz | The 2017 Supreme Court term looks like a barn burner


Humorist Ryan Hamilton ribs New York City and Idaho in the hourlong Netflix special Happy Face

Emily Belz | It takes a lot of money to bring a case to the Supreme Court, and even with pro bono lawyers somebody has to pay

Emily Belz | In a major moment for the fight against physician-assisted suicide, New York’s highest court unanimously rules against the practice

Emily Belz | In Hawaii, sex education programs go by different names—abstinence, comprehensive—depending on who’s doling out the money

Emily Belz | American sex ed is scattershot, but groups aligned with Planned Parenthood are pushing highly explicit curricula

Wind River casts a well-directed spotlight on the lives of brutalized Native American women