Edward E. Plowman | WORLD
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Edward E. Plowman

Ed (1931–2018) was a WORLD reporter. Read Marvin Olasky's tribute.

Articles by Edward E. Plowman

The creed was greed

Edward E. Plowman | Florida jury finds church leader Lyons guilty of theft and racketeering; next up, the federal trial

Edward E. Plowman | Gay protest may backfire on Methodists

Edward E. Plowman | WCC avoids an outright rebellion, but dissent from biblically orthodox members is growing louder


Edward E. Plowman | After a tense armistice over homosexual "marriage," UMC will again be pushed to the brink of crackup

Edward E. Plowman |

Edward E. Plowman | Eighteen months after the International Bible Society announced it had abandoned its "inclusive-language" Bible project, fresh supplies of the gender-neutral NIrV Bible are back in circulation.

Edward E. Plowman | Mainline church feminist group's WWW site stores heretical literature, points surfers to gay sites; PCUSA tries to put out fire, but first douses conservative messenger

Edward E. Plowman | Over breakfast, religious leaders heard of Clinton's broken spirit and stood in line to offer support

Edward E. Plowman | United Methodists' highest court puts a stop to homosexual marriage ceremonies