Edward E. Plowman | WORLD
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Edward E. Plowman

Ed (1931–2018) was a WORLD reporter. Read Marvin Olasky's tribute.

Articles by Edward E. Plowman

Pressler pressure

Edward E. Plowman | Architect of the conservative takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention tells his story

Edward E. Plowman | Christian collegians aboard American flight 1420 provided aid and comfort

Edward E. Plowman | Disagreements over theology and discipline move United Methodists a step closer to crackup

Edward E. Plowman | Reformation-minded Southern Baptists seek to return the SBC to its historic roots


Edward E. Plowman |

Edward E. Plowman | By life and by death, powerful messages and images of faith emanated from Littleton and neighboring communities in the southwestern quadrant of Denver's suburbs last month.

Edward E. Plowman | Fractured denomination rules against Chicago pastor who performed same-sex unions

Edward E. Plowman | How Great Christian Books hit hard times

Edward E. Plowman | Big-volume discount booksellers put the squeeze on specialty retailers, especially small Christian shops