Christiana Kiefer | WORLD
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Christiana Kiefer

Christiana Kiefer

Christiana Kiefer is senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom.

Articles by Christiana Kiefer
Sidelined by the state

Sidelined by the state

Christiana Kiefer | Foster family in Washington refuses to affirm culturally popular lies

Christiana Kiefer | The fact that a man needs a wife is now subverted by our culture

Christiana Kiefer | World Vision’s fight for religious freedom isn’t unique, but it is important

Christiana Kiefer | Appeals court reinstates Connecticut female athletes’ case, providing hope for the future


Christiana Kiefer | Five ways the church can be the hands and feet of Christ

Christiana Kiefer | The ACLU abandons women by defending men in women’s sports

Christiana Kiefer | VCU provides a blueprint for protecting campus speech

Christiana Kiefer | What the Supreme Court’s recent free speech ruling may mean for he and she

Christiana Kiefer | Biden administration sports rule hurts women and forces citizens to deny truth

Christiana Kiefer | Some states try to block qualified Christian couples from fostering or adopting children