Chris Stamper | WORLD
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Chris Stamper

Chris is a former WORLD correspondent.

Articles by Chris Stamper

Lights, cameras, class action

Chris Stamper | As in comedy, timing is everything in the world of traffic violations.

Chris Stamper | While China worries about SARS, Japan keeps watch for Pana Wave.

Chris Stamper | May is a month when network executives most want to capture your eyeballs.

Chris Stamper | In geek speak, there's such a thing as a "good hack."


Chris Stamper | Don't tell Bud Selig, but it's been hard to look past fallen star Pete Rose this year.

Michael Kelly wanted a second Gulf War-and wound up its highest profile casualty.

Chris Stamper | Think the Internal Revenue Service is tough?

Chris Stamper | Some scientists see more potential in contact lenses than just vision correction.

Chris Stamper | Some McDonald's restaurants are about to provide a new treat with their combo meals: an hour of high-speed Internet access.

Chris Stamper | Soon, Spiegel may go the way of Montgomery Ward and Woolworth.