Chris Stamper | WORLD
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Chris Stamper

Chris is a former WORLD correspondent.

Articles by Chris Stamper

Vote with the remote

Chris Stamper | TiVo is watching you watch TV.

Chris Stamper |

Chris Stamper | Decades-old rules restricting media ownership are dead.

Chris Stamper | "This is a test of the Emergency Alert System; this is only a test ..."


Chris Stamper | Two University of Delaware researchers may have built the proverbial "better mousetrap" by getting rid of the mouse.

Chris Stamper | As a wife, I wanted to wring Bill's neck," Sen.

Chris Stamper |

Chris Stamper | Internet spam creates an unexpected side effect: It gives the United States a bad name.

Chris Stamper | The new Homeland Security Department is getting more Net-expertise.

Chris Stamper | Your local funeral home may soon have a new amenity besides flowers and expensive caskets: services broadcast over the Internet.