Bob Jones | Surely it means more than simply a sanctified hand writing a check to some well-intentioned cause.
Bob Jones | Legislateve politics is all about unseen forces:behind-the-scenes compromise, lobbying, parlementary maneuvering.
Bob Jones | A preview of several key cases
Bob Jones | A family perseveres in faith in young son's death over the Atlantic
Bob Jones | In hist last hours as a senator, Bob Dole cut a deal in hopes of saving a health-reform bill that provides insurance portability for job hoppers (which is likely to raise the cost of insurance) and a compromise provision of tax-free medical savings accou
Bob Jones | It will take more than Bob Dole's resignation from the Senate and full-time concentration on running for president to jumpstart his sputtering campaign.
Bob Jones | An interview with the man who helped place the last straw