Bob Jones | WORLD
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Bob Jones

Bob is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Bob Jones

Does it have a prayer?

Bob Jones | Istook Amendment gains key support; hearings set for July

Bob Jones | Ten years after her involvement with Gary Hart shipwrecked a presidential campaign, Donna Rice Hughes still deals in monkey business--but she's on the other side now

Bob Jones | Burton's congressional investigation is hot on the trail

Bob Jones | April 15: It's a rite of spring Americans have learned to endure.


Bob Jones | Man who claimed abuse by MMNL clinic wins jury award

Bob Jones | Christian activists threaten boycott of gay-friendly airline

Bob Jones | Increasingly, Jews and Christians are sharing more than one testament of Holy Scripture.

Bob Jones | Black Christian educators in America's cities who face formidable external obstacles--gang violence, family breakup, a drug culture--are faced with a resurgent philosophical challenge: &quotAfrocentric" education.

Bob Jones | Plans for creation museum met with big bang in Kentucky

Bob Jones | It has been known as the third rail of politics: Touch it and die.