Bob Jones | WORLD
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Bob Jones

Bob is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Bob Jones

From coronation to contest

Bob Jones | For both Republican and Democrat frontrunners, stumbles in New Hampshire have transformed the political race into a dogfight.

Bob Jones | For all the quirkiness of its caucus system, Iowa never fails to play a major role in selecting the nation's president.

Bob Jones | All that pre-election positioning, punditry, and polls now give way to actual votes and actual voters.

Bob Jones | He had the reputation of never wanting to miss a party, but Russia's Boris Yeltsin somberly called it quits on New Year's Eve.


Bob Jones | Will Clinton sneak in controversial nominees?

Bob Jones |

Bob Jones | With a razor-thin majority in the House and a hostile chief executive on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, congressional Republicans had to be content this year with achieving only minor victories and avoiding major defeats.

Bob Jones | Still hovering in single digits in the polls, millionaire publisher and second-time-around GOP presidential candidate Steve Forbes is finding a way to connect with the kinds of people he would never have met in prep school

Bob Jones | Yes, Ken Starr's faith affected his investigation of President Clinton, but not in the way most people think.

Bob Jones | Emphasizing trade and economic issues, former social-issues lightning rod sets out on Reform road