Bob Jones | WORLD
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Bob Jones

Bob is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Bob Jones

Stemming an ethical tide

Bob Jones | Arkansas congressman wages a lonely battle against the Clinton administration over stem-cell research

Bob Jones | Bush, Gore spend more, but in different areas

Bob Jones | It was music liberal Democrat delegates did not want to hear: Bill Clinton's L.A.

Hour after hour of pro forma took a toll on Democratic delegates


Bob Jones |

August is not when presidential candidates want to be engaged in "shoring up the base," but the Democrat convention last night allowed liberals to let it all hang out in prime time.

President Clinton's valedictory last night used all the tricks of the trade for maximum emotional impact

Bob Jones | Fighting against "Clinton Fatigue," Al Gore picks a running mate who was his boss's harshest Democratic critic during Monicagate and who opposes the White House on key issues.

Bob Jones | Trigger locks kept harsh rhetoric from accidentally firing in prime time, and the soft-focus GOP convention in Philadelphia successfully projected a new Republican image.