Bob is a movie reviewer for WORLD. He is a World Journalism Institute graduate and works as a math professor. Bob resides with his wife, Lisa, and five kids in Bel Air, Md.
Follow Bob Brown on Twitter @RightTwoLife
MOVIE | Millie Bobby Brown’s compelling portrayal of a betrayed princess fighting for her freedom rescues this trope-heavy film
MOVIE | A monstrous space visitor helps an astronaut save his marriage in an unconventional—and oddly arresting—film
In Ordinary Angels, a struggling single mother uses her tenacity to help save the life of a child
MOVIE | An alcoholic single mom rallies her town to save a dying girl in director Jon Gunn’s latest faith-based film
TELEVISION | William Shatner takes viewers on a tour of mysteries and marvels new and old, including the Biblical flood
DOCUMENTARY | Raw footage tells two gripping tales of terror, bravery, and attempted escape from North Korea
DOCUMENTARY | Was John Allen Chau a reckless thrill-seeker or a man doing God’s work?
DOCUMENTARY | Did Juul help save lives or destroy them?
MOVIE | Wildfire disaster movie is too intense for younger viewers and too predictable for older ones
MOVIE | A safari through the troubled and goofy lives of junior high girls