Bob Brown | WORLD
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Bob Brown

Bob is a movie reviewer for WORLD. He is a World Journalism Institute graduate and works as a math professor. Bob resides with his wife, Lisa, and five kids in Bel Air, Md.

Follow Bob Brown on Twitter @RightTwoLife

Articles by Bob Brown
<em>Number 24</em>

Number 24

MOVIE | Historical war drama confronts the dark side of freedom fighting

MOVIE | Angel Studios drama follows a family coping with nuclear disaster

MOVIE | New animated film from the mind of a prize-winning cartoonist

Movie | Agenda-driven script drowns out humorous scenes in French comedy


DOCUMENTARY | A needed examination of nursing home abuse focuses too much on the victims’ attorney

MOVIE | Pretty actors sabotage film with conflicting morals

MOVIE | Artificial intelligence thriller takes a predictable path

MOVIE | Bland and boorish action film takes over the top spot on Netflix

MOVIE | Flawed characters and ethical quagmires mark a film about the final days of Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann

MOVIE | Documentary examines a boy-band manager’s Ponzi scheme