Untroubled and fearless Christians | WORLD
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Untroubled and fearless Christians

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

Our government requires taxpayers who believe abortion is murder to hand over a portion of their earnings to pay for it, but Christian symbols displayed on tax-funded property might be a problem. You’d think the release of a third undercover video of Planned Parenthood and aborted-baby body parts would be enough to persuade some abortion advocates in Congress to vote to defund the abortion mill. But probably not.

Our government tells us we must cater to a tiny percent of the population and overhaul the meaning of marriage and decency. A once-respected organization that proclaims a duty to God will allow homosexual men to have access to young boys and affirms that homosexual behavior can be “moral, honorable, committed, and respectful.”

One day, we might reach a point where neighbor will turn in neighbor for calling a man pretending to be a woman a man. We might read about laws protecting pedophilic “orientation,” incest “rights,” and God only knows what else. And we would be expected to go along in the name of progress and tolerance. No judgment, just passive acceptance. Either that, or we might face more suppression, loss of livelihood, fines, or even jail.

We’re witnesses to God-mockery and cultural debauchery, and children are the most vulnerable. Are you ready to resist the onslaught, with untroubled hearts and fearless determination?

Will Christian organizations resist or cave? Baylor University recently removed specific prohibited behavior from its sexual conduct list, including homosexual acts, adultery, and incest. According to the revised policy, the school will be guided by “the biblical understanding that human sexuality is a gift from God and that physical sexual intimacy is to be expressed in the context of marital fidelity.” What was wrong with the previous wording?

“These changes were made because we didn’t believe the language reflected Baylor’s caring community,” Baylor spokeswoman Lori Fogleman wrote in astatement issued to WORLD and other media outlets.

It’s now uncaring for a Christian school to name specific prohibited sexual acts. Is Baylor worried about hurting the feelings of people who sleep with close relatives or cheat on their spouses? Baylor won’t be the last school to soften its stance, a reminder that we can’t put our faith in institutions.

The body of Christ spans the globe, and we’re in this together. But we American Christians have had it easy. Perhaps we’ve become too complacent. Lukewarm. The government’s attempt to suppress religious freedom should make us more determined to be faithful soldiers of Christ. This might be the beginning of our most trying time.

But we have what the world does not. The Apostle John wrote that the world can’t receive the Spirit of truth, “because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.”

La Shawn Barber La Shawn is a former WORLD columnist.


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