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Postscript: The abortion center from the Dobbs case aborts its last baby

Rogelio V. Solis/AP

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On July 6, a pro-life protester held a sign outside Jackson Women’s Health Organization (above)—the abortion center in Jackson, Miss., that was a party to the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case in which the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade. The center closed the next day, as Mississippi’s trigger law protecting babies in the womb went into effect. A trial court judge on July 5 rejected an attempt by attorneys for the center to block the trigger law. Jackson Women’s Health was the only abortion center in the state. “No more murdering innocent children here,” said Dr. Coleman Boyd, a physician and pro-life activist, outside the building on July 7 where about 30 pro-life activists had gathered. “Christ is exalted. Innocent bloodshed in this building is done.” The owner of Jackson Women’s Health said she plans to start an abortion center in Las Cruces, N.M. The reason: Abortion is still legal in New Mexico, and she expects to see women from Arizona, Oklahoma, and Texas, bordering states that restrict abortion.


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