Theodicy odyssey | WORLD
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Theodicy odyssey

2021 Book of the Year: Accessible Theology A book on evil demonstrates God’s goodness

Theodicy odyssey

In his book What About Evil? Scott Christensen bites off one of the biggest theological conundrums of the ages, and amazingly, it’s not more than he can chew. Christensen tackles the question of theodicy—“How does one seek to justify a good and sovereign God in the face of evil?”

It’s a mysterious and awesome question, and Christensen recognizes “the only theodicy that can satisfy the demands posed by the conflict of evil must be something extraordinary.”


Christensen spends 459 pages unpacking a theodicy that first explores errant attempts to explain evil in a world God originally created as good. Some theologians question God’s sovereignty in an effort to rescue Him from some kind of supposed blame for sin. Other thinkers question God’s goodness when they consider the horrible evils committed by man over thousands of years.

Christensen carefully uses the Scriptures to show God is sovereign over all things, including evil, but that He also bears no moral culpability for the evil that exists in the world. Here, Christensen confronts a common idea: Since evil exists, God’s goodness or power must not. The author pushes back and finds Biblical answers right in the middle of both:

“God purposed evil to exist so that his power and goodness would be supremely demonstrated in the strange and ironic wonder of the cross and empty tomb that crush evil in such dramatic fashion so as to produce the supreme goods outstripping any good that could come about without the prevalence of evil.”

The entire Biblical narrative is crucial to thinking about evil.

This is Christensen’s “greater-glory theodicy.” In ways we can only begin to approach but can’t fully fathom, God ordains evil to exist because in His work of redemption through Christ, it’s the plan that brings Him the most glory.

The reader won’t fully discover that explanation until later in the book, but it’s worth the journey to get there. Indeed, for the first time since I started reviewing theological books, I found myself wondering whether I should give spoiler alerts. That’s not because the concept of God’s glory in all things is new, but because the author builds his case in an almost suspenseful way, using the Biblical narrative many Christians have heard many times before.

The entire Biblical narrative is crucial to thinking about evil, Christensen argues. While he examines passages that grapple with why God ordains evil (think Joseph and Job), Christensen says “the more poignant way to make sense of God’s overarching purpose for evil is to see how it fits into the Bible’s storyline as the principal conflict around which God seeks to highlight redemption. … The story itself is the theodicy of Scripture.”

The author walks readers through God’s story, considering implications of the fall, God’s deliverances in the Old Testament through men like Moses, and his ultimate deliverance in the incarnation, life, death, and resurrection of Christ. (He also offers careful analysis of the mysterious Trinitarian theology wrapped up in the coming of Christ.)

He adapts a famous line from Augustine to remind readers “our stories will fill our hearts with restlessness until we find our rest in God’s glory.”

Christensen’s book doesn’t solve every mystery about evil: God is infinite and we are not. But that’s part of the point too. Christensen shows the deep love and mercy of God in saving sinners through Christ, but he also reminds us that “while we certainly must not dismiss the importance we play in God’s plan, … we are not the center. … God is the center.”

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory” (Psalm 115:1).

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Jamie Dean

Jamie is a journalist and the former national editor of WORLD Magazine. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate and also previously worked for The Charlotte World. Jamie resides in Charlotte, N.C.


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