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The left’s narrative

Liberals keep calling plays out of an all too familiar playbook

Almost two weeks into the Trump administration, the left’s narrative is clear. First, it was that Trump was an “illegitimate” president because he didn’t win the popular vote. Then the left tried name-calling: “unfit,” “immoral,” “crude,” “high-handed,” “fascist.” Now the narrative has gone “racist,” that all-purpose word the left seems ready to attach to anyone for any reason.

Egged on by their media allies, Democrats called the temporary halt on immigrants coming from seven countries with connections to terrorism “racist” and a “ban.” It was nothing of the kind, and people detained just after the order was issued were allowed entry following enhanced background checks.

It should also be noted, because the major media doesn’t, that the past six presidents have limited access or banned outright immigrants from certain parts of the world deemed dangerous, as they are allowed to do by the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. These include former President Obama. Indeed, Trump’s action, as noted by Matt Vespa at Townhall, “is based on a bill that Obama signed into law in December 2015.” At that time Obama restricted waivers from the same countries President Trump did: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen.

Democrats have run out of ideas and have nothing left but name-calling and protests.

Now comes the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. Even before his name was revealed, liberal groups were pledging to oppose him and urging Senate Democrats to filibuster in retaliation for the Republicans’ refusal to give an up-or-down vote on lame-duck Obama nominee, Merrick Garland.

Does Judge Gorsuch have the best possible experience? Yes. A great education? Yes. Good temperament? Yes. But none of that matters to many Democrats. And the fact that he was unanimously approved by the U.S. Senate for his appeals court seat won’t matter either, even though some of the Democratic senators who voted for him are still in the Senate and may vote against him this time out of party loyalty.

And, as with Judge Robert Bork back in the 1980s, I suspect that when the left gets through sliming Judge Gorsuch, his own family won’t recognize him.

Democrats have run out of ideas and have nothing left but name-calling and protests. The fact that voters have rejected their agenda for several election cycles apparently has not resonated with them. They are like people who attend oldies concerts, waving their hands in the air and with eyes closed, imagining they’re back in the 1960s singing “The Age of Aquarius.” But for them, the sun isn’t shining in, it’s setting. That narrative has changed.

Listen to Cal Thomas’ commentary on the Feb. 2 edition of The World and Everything in It.

Cal Thomas

Cal contributes weekly commentary to WORLD Radio. Over the last five decades, he worked for NBC News, FOX News, and USA Today and began his syndicated news column in 1984. Cal is the author of 10 books, including What Works: Commonsense Solutions to the Nation's Problems.



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