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The exploited one

Kathleen McGowan's The Expected One isn't the first DaVinci Code wannabe

The exploited one
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How does this sound for a scenario: In a French seacoast town, a man with a secret is murdered and mutilated. Meanwhile, in the holy city of Jerusalem, an American writer receives a blindingly realistic vision of a scene 2,000 years old. The two events are not unrelated, and the vision launches our protagonist on a quest fraught with violence, conspiracy, suppressed documents, and the Vatican, eventually uncovering the shocking truth that Jesus and Mary Magadalene were married!

The Expected One, a novel by Kathleen McGowan which made its appearance on July 25, is hardly the first DaVinci Code wannabe. Religious thrillers are hot, and Mary Magdalene is enjoying a cult revival. But McGowan has raised the stakes by a bizarre stretch of author identification, claiming that she herself is a descendant of the Magdalene, and the plot of her novel is essentially her own story (with a few murders added for art's sake). She experienced the vision described in Chapter 1 back in 1997 (pre-DaVinci, mind) and was inspired to tell the tale that she finally self-published in 2005.

Though sales were modest, she soon acquired an agent, Larry Kirshbaum, who negotiated a seven-figure advance with Touchstone Books (a Simon & Schuster imprint). Both Kirshbaum and Touchstone editor-in-chief Trish Todd, presumably with straight faces, profess faith in the author's claims. Her agent finds McGowan "entirely credible" and "totally rational," insisting that he believes her "absolutely"-thus establishing credibility via adverbs instead of evidence. USA Today joined the fun, with a feature article coyly titled, "Is This Woman the Living 'Code'?"

Trish Todd insists that the back story is secondary: "We're marketing this fabulous novel." Nevertheless, when the promotional blitz begins Aug. 3, be prepared for morning-show hosts respectfully asking the author about her ancestors and wondering about the response of the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church, with centuries of experience in Vatican-baiting, would be wise not to respond. Unless she's serious (always a possibility), Hollywood-bred McGowan simply knows how to market fantasy with fantasy. Her novel follows hard upon one of this summer's bestsellers (The Bad Twin), which was written by a fictional character: the missing-and-presumed-dead Gary Troup of the TV series Lost. The Expected One is a similar product of savvy promotion: Make it up and tie it in. All's fair in publicity, except for the name of Christ being blasphemed.

Janie B. Cheaney

Janie is a senior writer who contributes commentary to WORLD and oversees WORLD’s annual Children’s Books of the Year awards. She also writes novels for young adults and authored the Wordsmith creative writing curriculum. Janie resides in rural Missouri.


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