Shooting the ambulances | WORLD
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Shooting the ambulances

NARAL is gunning for the ambulances. America can be proud of the fact that there are more Pregnancy Resource Centers in this country than abortion facilities. These PRCs sprang up in the wake of Roe v. Wade, not to make a profit from killing unborn children but to extend lifesaving aid. They are society's ambulances, staffed largely by volunteers and in most cases funded by private donations.

Prior to Roe, churches and charities were attacked as hypocrites: "You condemn sex outside of marriage, but what real help do you offer to desperate young women?" That was the challenge then. All over America, churches and charities stepped forward. They did not condemn. They did not break bruised reeds. Clean and bright, warm and welcoming, these PRCs represent the best that is America.

That's why NARAL wants to destroy them. Who is NARAL? This outfit was founded more than 40 years ago by Lawrence Lader. He famously said, "Abortion is central to everything in life and how we want to live it." Lader described the overturning of 50 states' protective laws by the Supreme Court in Roe as a "revolution."

Lader went on to fight in the courts for years to strip the Catholic Church of its tax-exempt status. Why? Because the Catholic Church dared to defend the innocent human lives of unborn children.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson co-founded NARAL with Lader. Dr. Nathanson's conscience was haunted by his having supervised 60,000 abortions, including aborting his own child. Dr. Nathanson now heroically defends life. In his powerful and moving writings, he shows us the anti-Catholic---and anti-religious---roots of NARAL. For if Lader's attack on the Catholics had succeeded, the Southern Baptists, the Missouri Synod Lutherans, and all evangelicals would surely have been his next targets.

NARAL likes to append "Pro-Choice" to its name. But is it really in favor of choice? In Virginia, for example, NARAL has attacked citizens who freely choose to buy license plates that say "Choose Life." These pro-life Virginians ask only to be able to choose to donate to Pregnancy Resource Centers a portion of their special license plate fees. No one is forced to pay for these plates. Still, any time anyone freely chooses life, NARAL is there to attack.

NARAL's attack on these compassionate centers of mercy was turned back in Virginia. But the assault continues in Washington state. There, a bill in the legislature in Olympia would stigmatize PRCs as "limited service" facilities and force them to curtail their lifesaving missions.

Abortion always takes an innocent human life. It is never a service. Even Hillary Clinton once called abortion "wrong." (Newsweek, Oct. 31, 1994). NARAL is dedicated to making a revolution from above. NARAL wants to force Americans to accept this wrong thing. They are desperate because last May, a Gallup Poll reported 51 percent of Americans identified themselves as pro-life.

Now is the time for lawmakers across the land to reject NARAL's lethal logic and deadly designs. Join the energetic, enthusiastic youngsters who massed by the thousands last week in Washington to protest the unjust killing of their generation.

Young people understand how this cruel choice is harming America. In Houston last week, the largest Planned Parenthood killing center in North America opened up in a predominantly minority neighborhood. Young people are getting the message of Planned Parenthood's racist roots. They are learning of NARAL's founders' appeals to religious bigotry. They are leading the resistance to the culture of death. Pregnancy Resource Centers are at the heart of that resistance. That's why NARAL wants them killed.

Ken Blackwell Ken is a former WORLD contributor.


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