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“We won’t say he’s been laicized, because he never was a real priest!”

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“President Trump is leading Joe Biden 3 to 1 on my presidential poll out of my 9,000 members.”

New York steamfitters union leader BOBBY BARTELS, telling Fox & Friends on April 25 how recent immigration, crime, and inflation have pushed his traditionally Democratic union members to the right.

“There were 37,000 attempts in four days to log into our firewall.”

MIKE CYPERT, city manager of Hale Center, Texas, where city officials barely thwarted a cyberattack on the town water system. In nearby Muleshoe earlier this year, suspected Russian hackers succeeded in attacking the water system and made it overflow.

“We won’t say he’s been laicized, because he never was a real priest!”

CHRISTOPHER CHECK, president of Catholic Answers, on the group’s swift decision to change an AI chatbot originally released as “Father Justin” into a lay apologist called “Justin” after a backlash.

“I will not ride our transit system by myself. I am afraid and … I will not ride it.”

Los Angeles Metro Board member KATHRYN BARGER, speaking at an April 25 meeting of the transit agency. The board declared a public safety emergency after a series of stabbings on city buses and trains.


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