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“If we die, let’s die together.”

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“If we die, let’s die together.”

A chant from PROTESTERS in Ürümqi, the capital of China’s Xinjiang region, on Nov. 24 after 10 people, including children, died in a fire in an apartment whose exits were blocked due to a strict COVID-19 lockdown. Anti-government protests in multiple Chinese cities have prompted an easing of restrictions.

“This seems a violation of the 1st Amendment principles.”

U.S. Rep. RO KHANNA, D-Calif., in a recently leaked 2-year-old email to Twitter’s former legal chief, Vijaya Gadde, on the social media platform’s 2020 decision to block sharing of a New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“I have a letter saying that if you’re so desperate, madam, we can offer you MAID, medical assistance in dying.”

Former Canadian Paralympian and veteran CHRISTINE GAUTHIER, 52, speaking to Canadian Parliament on Dec. 1 about a government offer to provide her with euthanasia in response to her requests to have a wheelchair lift installed at her home.

“I was 5 years old when God gave life to Lydia and Timothy, and he’s been preserving that life ever since.”

Oregon adoptive father PHILIP RIDGEWAY, speaking to CNN about the twins born Oct. 31 to his wife Rachel from donated embryos frozen since 1992.


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