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This is another breakdown in the family unit which only leads, of course, to the dissolution of the Jewish people.

-Rabbi STEVEN M. DWORKEN of the Rabbinical Council of America, an orthodox Jewish group, criticizing a resolution of liberal Reform rabbis to "support the right of gay and lesbian couples to share fully in the rights of civil marriage."

Do you realize how much David Bonior, at this very moment, is hoping the show goes wrong?

-House Speaker NEWT GINGRICH, with a 20-foot Burmese python draped across his shoulders, referring to the House Democratic whip while substitute hosting CNN's Larry King Live. Mr. Gingrich's guests were Columbus (Ohio) Zoo director emeritus Jack Hanna and several exotic animals, there to promote April as "National Zoo and Aquarium Month."

We are so PC around this place, it makes you want to vomit. It's gotten so doggone bad you can't even tell someone they have on a pretty dress or that their necktie looks good.

-Sen. BEN NIGHTHORSE CAMPBELL (R-Colo.), reacting to the transfer of Bernice Harris, a 58-year-old cashier in a Senate coffee shop, after she received a sexual-harassment complaint from a young Senate staffer who objected to Mrs. Harris's calling him what she calls all her customers: "Baby."

Racism in any form is the antithesis of the gospel.

-RICHARD LAND, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Christian Life Commission, denouncing efforts by leaders of a small Georgia church to disinter the body of a mixed-race baby who was buried in the church's all-white cemetery. Said Mr. Land: "I would urge the church deacons to consider the fact that their church is under the Lordship of Christ.... He has made it clear that racism in any form is the antithesis of the gospel."

I challenge the Republican majority to stop blocking a vote and let the majority rule.

-President BILL CLINTON, urging the end of a filibuster to block a hike in the federal minimum wage. Democrats, meanwhile, continued their filibuster to stop majority rule from continuing the Whitewater investigation.

I was so busy thinking that the future of [my new television network] NET depended on me alone that I didn't want to hear what God wanted me to hear. So, while I wouldn't wish a broken back and damaged knee on anyone, on the whole the experience has been good for me. Being dependent on others is good for my humility, a virtue which has never been one of my strong points.

-Conservative political activist PAUL WEYRICH, who suffered a broken back in a fall on the winter ice. He's back to work, but physical therapy on his knee is expected to last three to six more weeks.


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