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Richard Blumenthal/Photo by Cliff Owen/AP

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"You run the racetrack. You own the racetrack ... and your horses seem to be winning."

U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., to Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt at a Sept. 21 Senate hearing on whether the company rigs internet search results to send consumers to sites most profitable to Google.

"The odds of me being reelected are much higher than me being elected in the first place."

President Barack Obama, joking with donors at a dinner on Sept. 15.

"I'm warning my clients-Don't run in 2012. I don't want to see good candidates lose by 12 to 15 points because of the president."

A Democratic strategist, speaking anonymously to The Hill newspaper, on the party's concerns about the 2012 election.

"It's worked for Chad Ochocinco. Will it work 4 the #SBC?"

Tweet from Alabama pastor Brian Mayfield, on the Sept. 19 formation of a task force to study whether the 16-million member Southern Baptist Convention should change its name.

"The cost of borrowing simply isn't the problem."

Paul Ashworth of Capital Economics in Toronto on Operation Twist, an attempt by the U.S. Federal Reserve to boost mortgage and business lending. "Businesses don't have the confidence to invest," said Ashworth, "and half of all mortgage borrowers don't have the home equity needed to refinance at lower rates."

"It made people sloppy."

Lindsey Eastburn, former engineer at the now-bankrupt Solyndra (see "Renewable risks"), on the effects federal support had on the solar panel maker. "After we got the loan guarantee," Eastburn said, "they were just spending money left and right."


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