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‘Something is not working.’

U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, on reports that undercover teams with the Department of Homeland Security successfully got explosives and weapons through airport screening in 67 out of 70 tests. Chaffetz said, “After spending over $540 million on baggage screening equipment and millions more on training, the failure rate today is higher than it was in 2007.”

‘If I could go back, I wouldn’t [play football].’

Former NFL wide receiver Antwaan Randle El, who won a Super Bowl with Pittsburgh in 2005. Randle El, 36, said he has trouble walking down stairs and wishes he’d played baseball instead: “I wouldn’t be surprised if football isn’t around in 20, 25 years.”

‘I think that all eligible and qualified men and women should register for the draft.’

Gen. Mark A. Milley, chief of staff of the U.S. Army, telling a Senate committee on Feb. 2 that given the Pentagon’s lifting of restrictions on women in combat roles, American women should have to register for the draft.

‘You can scream and throw condoms at me all day long. You won’t silence me. You don’t scare me. I have battled breast cancer. I have buried a child. I have read the Bible. I know the value of life.’

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina at the Jan. 22 March for Life. Fiorina was the only presidential candidate to speak at the event.

‘It’s time to officially suspend the campaign, but not because of the votes. It’s because of illness: Obviously the voters are sick of me.’

Former Arkansas Gov. and GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee conceding defeat with a joke on Feb. 1 after the Iowa caucus results came in. Huckabee received 2 percent of the Iowa vote, tying with Carly Fiorina, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.


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