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Obama and Clinton Associated Press/Photo by Jacquelyn Martin

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‘‘To the extent that she throws him under the bus, she has to run over him at a very slow speed.’

Political analyst Bill Whalen on Hillary Clinton’s attempt to distance herself from President Obama without alienating his supporters ahead of her potential 2016 presidential bid.

‘I was in complete disbelief.’

Massachusetts resident Suzanne Chase on a June letter from the VA addressed to her husband, Doug, announcing he could call to schedule an appointment with a primary care doctor. Doug Chase died of a brain tumor in 2012—four months after requesting VA care.

‘As usual, President Obama is using gasoline when a fire extinguisher would be more appropriate.’

U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., on President Barack Obama’s June 30 announcement that he plans to “fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own, without Congress.”

‘When you see reckless spending, it just belittles the sacrifices students are consistently asked to make.’

Elias Benjelloun, student body president at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, on the $225,000 fee the university plans to pay Hillary Clinton for an October speech, even as the university plans to raise tuition prices 17 percent over the next four years. Clinton has also reportedly received $300,000 to speak at UCLA and $251,250 to speak at the University of Connecticut.

‘If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them.’

Houston Rockets guard Jeremy Lin, quoting Luke 6:29 in a tweet, after the Rockets posted pictures at the Toyota Center of free agent Carmelo Anthony in a No. 7 Rockets jersey. Lin wears No. 7, and the implication was that the Rockets will trade Lin if Anthony signs with the team.


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