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AQ Khan Behrouz Mehri/AFP/Getty Images

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'Whatever I did, I did in good faith and upon instructions from authorities.'

AQ Khan, "father" of Pakistan's atomic bomb, who has been ostracized and punished internationally for sharing uranium enrichment technology with Iran, North Korea, and Libya.

'Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel.'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, arguing that the U.S. government should not interfere with Israel's right to defend itself.

'I can't think of anything worse than being brought up by two gay dads.'

Rupert Everett, an openly homosexual English actor, on his belief that children need a mother and a father. "Some people might not agree with that," he said. "Fine! That's just my opinion." Everett's comments prompted angry responses from gay-rights groups.

'What you have done is rob an apparently healthy child, vulnerable and defenseless, of the life which he was about to commence.'

Chief Inspector Kerrin Smith, of the North Yorkshire (England) Police on Sarah Catt, who pleaded guilty to taking poison in order to force the miscarriage of her child one week before the child's due date. The Leeds Crown Court on Sept. 17 sentenced Catt to eight years in prison.

'Love who you want. Isn't that what we say?'

Director Nick Cassavetes, on incest between brothers and sisters and how, in principle, it's the same as gay marriage. Cassavetes is known for directing The Notebook. He has a new film, Yellow, that includes an incestuous romance between a woman and her brother.


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