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Out of favor

My prayer is for those in policymaking to realize there are outstanding options for teens to thrive in group care. This article should put congregate care back in favor in the eyes of lawmakers or anyone involved in child welfare.
    Rebecca Morris / Birmingham, Ala.

Many children are successfully reared in group settings. South Carolina’s Miracle Hill Ministries and Tabernacle Children’s Home are among the hundreds if not thousands of organizations that place children in environments substantially better than the homes they came from.
    Fred A. Cook / Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Ears to hear

Understanding there is a difference between speech acquisition and language development is essential for parents making important decisions for their deaf child and communicating God’s love for them at a young age.
    Mary Hanselman / Eagle, Idaho

The idea that kids implanted early “need to learn sign language and lip-reading” is not accurate. Many families like ours opt to focus on spoken language. And most cochlear devices allow for underwater use. We also use rechargeable batteries and keep a set of disposable ones on hand.
    Abigail Dixon / Midlothian, Va.

Are gas stoves hazardous?

Electric stoves may emit fewer vapors than gas ones, but most of the power grid still burns gas, coal, and other vapor-producing substances.
    Jordan Cernek / Gratiot, Wis.

Stockpiling death

A hearty “Amen” to Lynn Vincent’s column about California Gov. Gavin Newsom. Living in our once “Golden State,” we have seen many fleeing. Newsom considers himself above the law and frequently does what is “evil in the sight of the Lord.”
    George Farley / Tracy, Calif.

How I wish Lynn’s words could be blazoned before all the liberal minds attempting to destroy not only 2 million lives but any integrity our country has left.
    Cheryl Cornelsen / Royal, Ark.

As a fellow Californian, I was right there with Lynn through most of her column, but she lost me in the last paragraph. Why besmirch your argument against “copulating freely” with an endorsement of a TV show that is rife with grotesque and gratuitous violence and pornography?
    Ursula MacDougall / Modesto, Calif.

Like guardrails on mountain passes

I affirm Andrée Seu Peterson’s column and also point out that whichever choice we make, we choose a master (Matthew 6:24). The freedom she describes can be a terrible one.
    David Robinson / North Augusta, S.C.

A test for news junkies

Amen to Joel Belz’s column. I would add that the way we end our day is as important as the way we start it. Reading Scripture just before I go to sleep reminds me of God’s protection and promises.
    Paul Perrone  / Springfield, Va.

CEO Notes

I was blessed by Kevin Martin’s column. It reminded me of what life under the sun is like, trying and failing, along with ­trying and succeeding based upon God’s sovereign providential working.
    Christopher Moulton / Colorado Springs, Colo.


President Richard Nixon signed the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as a witness (“Leave no one behind,” May 20, p. 46).


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