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Pandemic prescriptions

Thank you for an outstanding issue. In particular, the cover story on COVID ­vaccines and the article on female athletes “Going on offense” alone make the cost of an annual subscription worthwhile.
    —Glenn Verbrugge / Cadillac, Mich.

For too long, I was bewildered by crickets coming from WORLD on this profoundly controversial topic and the hole it left in the broader conversation. This firestorm was desperate for a Biblically objective treatment, and I thank you for this first step.
    —Cindy McKee / Savery, Wyo.

In Emma Freire’s masterful article, I found no mention of natural immunity. I had COVID twice. My first case was mild, and my second case a year later was even milder—and I’m 80 years old.
    —Mark Greathouse / Fairfield, Pa.

WORLD finally got around to addressing the COVID “vaccines” controversy but, sadly, it’s too little too late. We have witnessed the biggest public health disaster in modern history and unprecedented attacks on personal and religious ­liberty, and WORLD was AWOL through it all.
    —Barbara Anderson / Arvada, Colo.

Thanks for a well-written, balanced article acknowledging that the vaccines have caused death and other adverse effects. The voices that were canceled for three years are finally being heard.
    —Pam Prichard / Los Alamos, N.M.

Thank you for the careful reporting on the history of COVID-19 vaccines. We should not make a god out of vaccines. They’re a tool, and we routinely discard tools when they stop working, are worn out, or a better tool comes along.
    —Molly Crocker / Everson, Wash.

I was disappointed in Gregory Poland stating he has severe side effects from the COVID vaccine yet is encouraging his pregnant daughter and 18-month-old grandson to get vaccinated. Does he think it is OK for a child to potentially suffer tinnitus like him or worse just in case he gets COVID?
    —Christine Springer / Phoenix, Ariz.

Step by step

The article on the ministry to Ukrainians in need of prosthetics was wonderful. The image the writer painted of how guests ­arriving at the airport were welcomed was beautiful. It was an encouraging story about helping people in their time of need.
    —John Johnson / East Greenbush, N.Y.

Finding a way to stay

I enjoyed Onize Ohikere’s article on young Lebanese facing a financial crisis. WORLD is blessed to have her covering global news for its magazine and podcast.
    —Darren Renner / Cincinnati, Ohio

Storm warning

The use of Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States in some schools is a symptom of the disease process. Karl Marx did not like the Church or the family. How well are we preparing our young people for the gathering storm?
    —Donald J. Jansen  / Jenison, Mich.

Needing the eggs

This was a brilliant piece from Andrée Seu Peterson on the fragility of our currency. Simplistic, yes, but that’s exactly the point: The truth is generally found in the simple explanation.
    —Gary Lindley / Lookout Mountain, Ga.


Robert Coleman turned 95 years old on April 4 (“Packed with wisdom,” April 8, p. 31).

The Anti-Defamation League reported a record 3,697 antisemitic incidents in 2022 (“Hope amid hate,” May 6, p. 54).


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