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Letters from our readers

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‘The campaign against Kim’

Aug. 19 Thank you for helping the world remember the great needs of the Korean people, especially in the North. Ironically, China props up North Korea even though it would be better off with a vibrant economy on its border instead of a despotic dictator. Christians in these dark places are encouraging examples. —Dick Friedrich on

This article brought tears to my eyes! I’m so thankful for those willing to reach out and help. —Hannah Horst on Facebook

‘“The end of a thing”’

Aug. 19 We are the sum of our choices; whether the end of a thing is better than its beginning depends on the choices made in the middle. This we know, but many to their peril refuse to acknowledge it. —Doug Karan / Evington, Va.

In Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices, Thomas Brooks wrote that Satan’s first device is to “present the golden cup and hide the poison,” to show the pleasure of yielding to sin but hide “the wrath and misery that will certainly follow.” What else would a liar and deceiver do? —Dixie Torrech on

‘Party lines crossed’

Aug. 19 Henry Olsen claims that Republican leaders and voters cannot explain what’s wrong with Obamacare. What world does he live in? Here’s a start: It forces people to purchase a product with features that make it unaffordable; it fines them for noncompliance; it forces young people to subsidize older people; and it destroys competition. Plus, the whole thing was sold by lies. —Lynn Barton / Medford, Ore.

Many of us have a clear understanding of what repealing Obamacare means and good ideas for replacing it. Republicans are smarter than Pelosi, who had to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it, but they need to drop their cowardice and get to work. —Rich Thorne / Bettles, Alaska

I’m so frustrated with our leaders, both Democrat and Republican. How can I trust people who exempted themselves from the onerous requirements of the Affordable Care Act? Why can’t Republicans admit it has some laudable goals, such as covering those with pre-existing conditions? Why can’t Democrats understand that money does not grow on trees? Meanwhile, real people are in limbo. —Kay Rehbein / Oakdale, Minn.

‘None of your business’

Aug. 19 The anti-gentrification protesters are totally disingenuous. Renters do not have the same rights as building owners; that’s why people buy property. Angel Luna has no right to resent others who want to do better. —Bob Cremer on

It should be good for everybody when improvements come to a neighborhood, but when it makes one’s rent skyrocket, well, who wouldn’t be distraught at that? It’s a thorny issue indeed. —Jenny Beth Gardner on

‘A ring by spring’

Aug. 19 It’s terrifying that some states allow marriage to minors in situations that would otherwise be statutory rape; having sex with a minor will get you a prison sentence, but marrying the girl will get you unfettered access. —Denise Franklin on Facebook

Allowing our youth to fornicate but not marry is madness, and so is allowing ideologically driven judges to decide this crucial matter. Where are the parents, elders, pastors? It’s as if we are living in the days of the judges. —Scott Printz / Abilene, Kan.

‘Signs from heaven’

Aug. 19 For about 70 million deaf people worldwide, sign language is their first language. Many are marginalized, if not ostracized. They need Jesus, and they need Scripture in sign language. —Charles D. Eden / Atlanta, Ga.

Our church had a deaf ministry, but until reading this article I never understood how or why the deaf view the world differently from those of us who hear. It reminded me that what we see as a tragedy God uses to advance His kingdom. —Karen Baddorf / Inman, S.C.

‘Knowledge and delight’

Aug. 19 I had toyed with canceling my subscription, but then I read Marvin Olasky’s delightful column on visiting Houston’s Museum of Natural Science, which concluded with how God ordained our existence. Articles on Kim Jong Un’s cruel regime and welcoming immigrants also affected me; for many years I taught English to Koreans in Philadelphia and to Cambodians in Sioux Center. Thank you for clarifying how much I value WORLD. —Sandra S. Langley / Vienna, Va.

‘Portrait of a general’

Aug. 19 Marvin Olasky’s review of Robert E. Lee biographies provided a great solution for cities with monuments to him. Simply add Lee’s quote: “Abandon all these local animosities, and make your sons Americans.” —Judy Chizek / Lake Linden, Mich.

‘Safe unsound’

Aug. 19 This was an incredible piece. Safety is a luxury most people around the world, such as North Koreans, don’t have, and especially many Christians. —Kenny Blankenship / Lexington, N.C.

‘A little quiz’

Aug. 19 It is truly sad if any young person today doesn’t recognize Billy Graham—and if anyone doesn’t recognize Jesus, the one Graham proclaimed throughout his illustrious life, it’s even sadder. —Jim Uttley Jr. on


Aug. 19 Late one night I opened WORLD, intending to make a cup of tea to go with it, and almost finished the magazine before realizing I hadn’t yet made my tea. I looked up “gentrification,” prayed for deaf pastors and workers in China, was surprised by states with no minimum age for marriage, and pondered how we don’t know the extent of an idea or action until we see its end. Thanks for many years of encouragement and blessing. —Bobbie Keith / Garland, Texas


Aug. 5 My daughter found that many if not most of her eighth-grade classmates at a Christian school would choose saving their pet’s life over a human they did not know. She was devastated. The value of human life is slipping fast. I fear for our future. —Matthew Elliott / Wheaton, Ill.

More letters, emails, and comments we didn't have space for in the print edition:

‘“The end of a thing”’

Aug. 19 This is one of Andrée Seu Peterson’s best-ever columns: challenging yet charming, insightful, and inspiring. —Jeff Kent/Shadyside, Ohio It’s very puzzling that a piece featuring Oscar Wilde didn’t mention his death-bed reception into the Catholic Church. —Raymond Spiotta/Wheaton, Ill.

‘None of your business’

Aug. 19 How great to see your article on our wonderful little neighborhood, Pueblo del Sol. I minister at the Los Angeles Christian Health Centers location about four blocks away. Gentrification will not save these neighborhoods or make them “nice.” The Lord will make them nice and save the residents, no matter rich or poor. —David Campbell on

‘Portrait of a general’

Aug. 19 Whatever the reasons were for setting up monuments to Confederate generals, we need a more conciliatory public discussion about them now. Since they were erected, we have seen much progress in civil rights; let us use this history to mark America's march to fulfilling the Declaration's promise of equality. —Lawrence Andrade/Tewksbury, Mass.

‘Blue-collar concerns’

Aug. 5 Regarding The Working Class Republican, Olsen’s analysis of Ronald Reagan’s appeal: I must be an odd duck indeed. The idea that a politician’s speech would feel like a warm, caring hug is repugnant to me. I don’t want the government caring for or about me. —Jeff Singletary/Lebanon, Ind.

‘An eye toward others’

July 22 I am posting this column for my college freshmen. Over 30 years of teaching I have seen how attitudes increasingly reflect the idea that girls can wear whatever they want and the boys just need to get over it. Thank you for reminding us that this attitude simply shows our lack of concern for others. —Charlene Thomas/Johnson City, Tenn.


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