February 20
‘Winter of discontent’
The reports that evangelicals are falling in line behind Donald Trump are disheartening. Aren’t evangelicals supposed to be people of the Book, able to exercise discernment? While I believe in the ultimate victory of Christ, I am quite discouraged about my grandchildren’s future in America.
Ronald Koves / Crown Point, Ind.
I am not a Trump supporter, but I get annoyed when people bash Trump supporters. It doesn’t really help the cause.
Billy Baucom / Fredericksburg, Va.
In the political arena Trump may be the proverbial “better mousetrap.” I think, however, that we are the mice.
Jim Valentine / Troy, Mont.
‘Twenty years of lying’
It defies common sense that Hillary Clinton has survived so long despite her reputation for deception, but Paul warned of how people are “darkened in their understanding … because of the hardness of their hearts.” We are under God’s judgment, and He is giving us the leaders we deserve.
Tony Cicirello / Chattanooga, Tenn.
Like Adam, people caught lying often try to refocus the accusers’ gaze on someone or something else, to reshape the story to show it wasn’t really all their fault.
Wayne De Witt on
Marco Rubio should have observed, when criticized for repeating himself in a debate, that the truth should be memorized and repeated as often as necessary. Changing the story is often an effort to confuse.
Marquis R. Seidel / Camp Hill, Pa.
Many people of this generation want to have their ears tickled—regardless of the truth—and then they demand validation of their fantasies.
Rachel Bjorkland on Facebook
‘Love in the age of Roe’
As a teenager raised on Judy Blume, my views of young love were shaped by books like Forever. Wanting something more substantive for my three daughters, we devoured books like Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice, along with daily doses of the Word of God.
Jennifer Wexler / Birdsboro, Pa.
‘Building a creative career’
I really appreciated Karl Zinsmeister’s perspective on work. The freedom and joy possible through self-reliance and thriftiness seem like very good things. We are grateful to have had WORLD as our children grew up, and this article is a good example of why.
Martha Wilson on
‘Peering into a fiery furnace’
I’m so thankful for WORLD. The mainstream media’s drift toward political correctness is speeding up, and we are almost over the falls.
Deborah Connor on
I believe there will be a next time for Carly Fiorina. She has exactly the right combination of moxie and class.
Kenneth R. Lockridge on
‘Notable CDs’
You wrote that Pope Francis noted that faith in Christ is not a joke, but he would say the same about the Blessed Virgin Mary. As a former Catholic, I wonder why you are encouraging people to listen to the pope.
Michael Kanai / Aurora, Ill.
Calling Waffle Houses “greasy spoons” was uncalled for, and the tone of the piece is a put-down of the chain’s clientele. It suggests a snobbishness unbecoming of WORLD.
Peter Kushkowski / Portland, Conn.
‘Drone defenders’
The next step after the counter-drone is the counter-counter-drone. This is a technological war, and the winners will be those who can innovate the fastest.
Ted Rice on Facebook
February 6
‘Two crazy uncles’
I expect name-calling in other media, but I never expected to see Joel Belz engage in it.
John Haynes / Gallup, N.M.
The religious fervor and the promises that characterize the Trump and Sanders rallies bring to mind newsreels of Hitler’s political rallies. Is this something to worry about, or is it common in politics, especially where God is excluded?
Heinrich Erbes / McLean, Va.
‘Leaps of faith’
It appears Trump’s faith is not in God. Instead he worships idols of Self, Wealth, and Power.
Stanley Wiemeyer / St. Joseph, Mo.
‘Obamacare sidestep’
Thank you for reporting on Christian healthcare sharing ministries, but I was disappointed you did not address more fully questions such as accountability and oversight. If it was that easy for Bruce Hawthorn to dip into his ministry’s money, how do we know that couldn’t happen in the others?
Philip Alderink / Tucson, Ariz.
‘Staying power’
It’s scary that children are trained to terrorize. I have wondered how hatred endures in the Middle East generation after generation and how ISIS gets funded. If we could limit the group’s resources, it seems there would be less bloodshed and a faster resolution.
Noah Duncan, 16 / Ossining, N.Y.
January 23
‘Keep it quiet, please’
We should always be hopeful and never give up our dreams, but Joel Belz validates Ecclesiastes 1:18: “The more knowledge, the more grief.” The pornographic culture in which we live is killing our men and, by extension, our women.
William Peck on
‘The world between us’
Racism has to stop from both ends. In my work in the inner city, I frequently hear, “I hate white people.” This cannot be resolved by reason but by the Spirit changing hearts through the preaching of the Word.
Dave Troup on
I just finished reading The African Americans, an honest and thorough account confirming Janie Cheaney’s assertion that the history of racism is filled with good and bad actors of all ethnicities. Atheists and Muslims have no answers; will Christians in America implement the answers Christ gave?
Robert Barnes on
‘God so used a stick of wood’
When facing an opportunity that seemed beyond me, I was inclined to walk the other way. But the Lord reminded me that “we are not less than a stick of wood” no matter how I felt. Thank you for the encouragement.
Alethea Childers / Dayton, Ohio
‘Sailing into history’
Many people who profess to be Christian think abortion, same-sex marriage, easy access to assault weapons, and Donald Trump are good for the United States. Maybe they should ask God what He thinks.
Russell Guetschow / Vicksburg, Mich.
‘Shape of the future’
Andrée Seu Peterson suggests a fall coming of Christ due to the lack of fulfillment of the autumn festivals, including the Day of Atonement. But speculation on that topic must consider Hebrews 9, which teaches that Christ’s sacrifice satisfied divine justice; God will never require another Day of Atonement.
Warren R. Bennett III / Natchitoches, La.
My wife and I are amazed by your excellent articles that truthfully give a Christian perspective. Yours is truly a mission.
Richard Kooyenga / Thornton, Ill.
WORLD Around the World
Bangui, Central African Republic Submitted by David Mallette
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