Letters from our readers
August 8
‘A home to come to’
Praise God for Donnalee Velvick-Lowry and her husband Ron Lowry, those working with them at Hope House, and the wonderful grace of our faithful God! These people are fulfilling the Scripture calling us to devote ourselves “to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.”
Larry Paulus on
‘Little platoons, under attack’
The threat to American nonprofits reminds me of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s story about his grandfather. He said that Russia was suffering under Stalin “because we have turned our backs on God.” The same is happening in America. I am 88 years old, and the changes in our nation in my lifetime are unbelievable.
Gilbert Helvie on
Thank you for these snapshots of people doing the work of the Lord. They are saving lives and improving the world one person at a time.
Rob Fuentes on
‘Michigan’s homeless makeover’
I work a few miles from Grace Centers of Hope. They do wonderful work and have been a favorite nonprofit of many people in this area for years.
Dale Murrish on
‘Children of hers’
Thank God for women like Miz Hawkins. Your annual Hope Awards coverage is one of my favorite features of the year.
Kipper Tabb / Duluth, Minn.
‘The tipping point?’
For years the world turned a blind eye to the slaughter of magnificent creatures and the sale of their body parts, but now something has happened to awaken the public. No, I’m not talking about Cecil the Lion but the videos of Planned Parenthood employees sipping wine while discussing the techniques of death to maximize profits. Let’s let Congress know that government support of Planned Parenthood must end.
Steve Stein / Lino Lakes, Minn.
My hat is off to David Daleiden for his persistence, patience, and skill in pursuing these people. I haven’t yet mustered the nerve to watch an entire video. Just reading the article makes me queasy.
Jennifer Eason on
The tapes are compelling evidence. Our world will have no excuse when asked why we didn’t rescue those led to the slaughter.
Barbara Smith on
A spokesman for one of the companies procuring harvested body parts said, “StemExpress prides itself on complying with all laws.” Not everything legal is morally or ethically right. We have lost our way in the darkness.
Roger Congdon / Cedaredge, Colo.
Maybe the Justice Department would prosecute Planned Parenthood if nuns ran it.
Bob Gutjahr / Sanford, N.C.
‘With justice for all?’
Thank you for this thoughtful column on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling against the Little Sisters of the Poor. We may feel helpless against the power of the state, but we are not. While the world (and too often the church) pursues power, the Lord Jesus, to whom “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given,” still calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him.
Michael Kane / Portland, Ore.
This ruling is even worse than Sharia law. At least a dhimmi can pay the fine and hold to his beliefs, but the Little Sisters of the Poor have to pay and capitulate.
Robert Moore / Spindale, N.C.
And so the path to the persecution of Christians continues. We are not there yet, but we are not far. If America ever needed the followers of Jesus to stand firm, it is now.
Janet Johnson on
We must stand against governmental intrusion into our personal and church lives. “In the world you will have tribulation,” Jesus said, “but take courage. I have overcome the world.” So let’s stand up, pray, and vote!
Jim Schultz on
‘Constant targets’
Thank you for Jamie Dean’s article about the violence in Nigeria at the hands of Boko Haram. I can’t get these kinds of stories anywhere else, and they help so much in praying for brothers and sisters across the globe.
Kyle W. Puelston / North Branch, Minn.
This article gave me new insights into persecuted Christians. It was astonishing. I’m sympathetic for what seems like a helpless situation and moved by those who “confessed they denied Christ when confronted by Boko Haram.” Thank you for the gritty reporting.
Aledra Hollenbach / Hamilton, Va.
I’m not sure how you “cope” with seeing people slaughtered like animals all around you. Those poor people—this seems unimaginable to me. But we can pray.
Cheryl Wilkins on Facebook
‘Network in decline’
I attribute ESPN’s fall to political correctness and greed. We don’t want to hear liberal opinions coupled with sports commentary. Also, ESPN is the costliest of all channels. If it wants more viewers, it should allow for direct subscriptions through Apple TV, Netflix, or something similar.
Jack McCann on
ESPN has joined big city newspapers in blaming technology for shrinking audiences instead of examining its crazy-left viewpoints. Perhaps there really are more right-thinking Americans than we see portrayed on TV every day.
Elaine Neumeyer on
Warp speed’
Even some conservatives and evangelicals are falling all over themselves to “evolve” in their attitudes toward homosexual marriage, questioning the authority of Scripture and whether it condemns homosexuality. Perhaps they want to be “on the right side of history.” I would much rather be on the right side of the Lord God Almighty.
Dick Dickerson / Mechanicsville, Va.
The quote from an Episcopalian bishop, “we prayed and … came up with compromises that we believe make room and leave no one behind,” is interesting. I know that God’s will is that none should perish, but Isaiah 8 says that Christ will be a “stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.”
Koni Norwood on
‘Science unsettled’
Will embarrassment over faked research lead to higher standards? No. It will lead to scientists cheating more carefully.
William Peck on
July 25
‘Developing the Daniel Option’
Thank you for encouraging us to stand fast and see the salvation of the Lord in these uncertain days.
Dwight Zimmerman / Spring City, Tenn.
One of the things that keep me from giving up is WORLD. Thank you for what you do and for your integrity. I leave my old issues of WORLD in waiting rooms; they are too nice and too relevant to throw away.
Stephanie Yeazell / Kirkland, Wash.
‘Cold pact’
The pampered and privileged classes, including the pope and Protestant higher-ups, exhort the rest of us to turn off our air conditioners while offering only unsubstantiated arguments about how this will save the planet. Ironically, six pages later Andrée Seu Peterson gives a better reason to turn off the air conditioning and open the windows (“Through the window,” July 25).
Charlie Darden / Charlotte, N.C.
WORLD Around the World
Leushen, Moldova Submitted by Matt Bontrager
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