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December 26
‘Puerto Rico panic’
Puerto Rico is another Democrat-run society that spent beyond its means to buy support from government unions. Such politicians have been ripping us off for years, and we keep reelecting them. Society collapses when government costs more than taxpayers can afford.
Bill Taylor on
Is it just me, or is the whole country headed the way of Puerto Rico and Illinois? Then what?
Katie Powner on
‘Chilly reception’
My reception to this column is indeed chilly. We need not wide-armed acceptance but cautious compassion. After Paris and San Bernardino, Muslim refugees need more scrutiny to help keep America safe.
Gary Karwoski / Stickney, Ill.
Thank you to Mindy Belz for a strong and sane rebuttal of the current irrational wave of hostility toward Syrian refugees.
David Goodin on
There is no reliable way to screen Syrian refugees at present. And given that Islam, as practiced in most Muslim-majority countries, is fundamentally incompatible with democracy, how is this supposed to work? If this wave of immigrants begs for the “right” to operate outside of our legal system and under Sharia law, what will that mean for our society?
Jennifer Murray on
I have been too fearful and quick to repeat the political rhetoric of the right. I pray I will respond to my Muslim brothers with the love of Christ.
Earl Conway on
Syrian refugees would be better off resettled in a safe place in the Middle East. Jordan has welcomed refugees; we should fund such countries to take in refugees instead of bringing more to Europe and the USA.
Constance Rice on
Thanks for this excellent and informative column. In the Psalms recently I noticed the focus on God’s care for the afflicted, poor, needy, and lowly.
Stephen Paine on
‘Joyful chiming’
As we go through our first Christmas as empty nesters, my husband sees the ways we are free to reach out in the name of Jesus.
Margaret Ishikawa on
‘A political year like no other’
Trump is charismatic and people love listening to him, but voters have a responsibility to ask whether the changes a candidate proposes are even possible. Promising and following through are two different things.
Lynn Antune Mitchell on Facebook
‘Notable CDs’
Never mind what they sing, or how well they sing it; any CD with a cover image of five apparently naked women covered only by a green ribbon has no place in a Christian magazine.
Lenore Hutchenreuther / Southfield, Mich.
‘Sight unseen’
Thank you for this column. Faith transforms everything, including our vision.
Al Lindh on
‘The climate nonconsensus’
The global warming theory has predicted many things that have not happened. All it does is promote fear and keep the poor poor.
Tricia Roush on
‘Sounds fishy’
The Obama administration will be remembered for the ease with which it lies. The president’s hubris leads him to believe that he is on a higher plane than the rest of us and we should be content with his ridiculous explanations. Sadly, too many are.
David Kanipe / College Station, Texas
‘Educated opinions’
This education overhaul ends nothing. The Common Core books and data-mining software are already in many public schools, and the standards are simply the tip of the iceberg.
Tina Hollenbeck / Green Bay, Wis.
‘Abused and exploited’
Hopefully, your good article on battling sex trafficking will encourage readers to ask their schools, police, and social service agencies what they can do to wipe this scourge from our communities.
Ronald E. Keener / Chambersburg, Pa.
December 12
WORLD’s choice of the Christian victims of ISIS as the 2015 Daniels of the Year is commendable. Their composure demonstrated their belief that this life is only temporary and that heaven awaits those who trust in Christ.
Dave Dahlke / Port Orchard, Wash.
Among the faithful Christians martyred by the Islamic State is Japanese freelance video journalist Kenji Goto, age 47, beheaded in January 2015. After his death, a tweet he wrote in 2010 was retweeted many times in Japan: “Hate is not for humans. Judgment lies with God.”
Mary Zambrana / Philadelphia, Pa.
‘Mind games’
This interview with Armando Valladares was powerful. Twenty years is a very long time to be in jail in Cuba.
Amy Kay on Facebook
‘When heroes betray us’
Naghmeh Abedini’s comments about abuse in her marriage were heartbreaking. We must repent if we fail to seek counsel for our marriages before our sin becomes so destructive.
Ernie Zenone Sr. / Folsom, N.J.
I understand the point that all believers are saints and sinners, yet Christian leaders should be “above reproach.” We should be deeply grieved and perplexed at the revelation of continuing sin in their lives.
Julie Thomas / Portland, Ore.
November 28
‘Teaching on demand’
I taught in public schools for two years; but if I had had to work longer, I would have found a job with fewer hours, more respect, and better pay—as large numbers of teachers now do.
Lisa Fearing on
‘College math’
Government student loans should be reserved for people majoring in fields that will allow them to pay back the loans.
Duncan McPherson on
I hear Andrée Seu Peterson about the college racket. There are also plenty of politically correct madness and losing social experiments. Online colleges and trade schools are beginning to fill the void left by the bloated brick-and-mortar institutions that continue to degrade their curricula.
Greg Samson / Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
‘Fat of the land’
We shouldn’t be surprised that we are becoming such a fat society. Maybe we would think twice if we realized that we consume many times more than any commonsense limit on sugar.
Keanan Guillory / Powderly, Texas
November 14
‘Blowing their tops’
Thank you for this important article about mountaintop removal for coal extraction. I am often perplexed by Christians’ lack of concern over what we do to our planet. Yes, God will ultimately make a new heaven and earth, but creation is His handiwork.
Brenda Guernsey / Jamestown, Ohio
The photograph labeled “San Juan in 1900” was taken sometime after 1912 (“Puerto Rico panic,” Dec. 26, 2015).
WORLD Around the World
Havana, Cuba Submitted by Jeff Hedgepeth
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