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Dear Anonymous Dad

[ Sept. 29 ] Since 1973 society has been playing God by determining who will be born and who will be killed before birth. That wasn’t bad enough, so in the 1980s we embraced new ways to conceive children. When will we learn to trust God to determine who will become parents and how many children He will provide? —Barbara Kuhls / Fond du Lac, Wis.

I don’t understand. Where is the hurt in being the child of a sperm donor? Is their complaint that they have life, whereas otherwise they would not? No human being ever had anything to say about who his parents were or the situation into which he was born. —Lenore Hutchenreuther / Southfield, Mich.

What does it matter who the sperm donor was? As an adoptive father and father figure to others, I can tell you being “Dad” is something you earn, and I grieve that so many have not stepped up to be worthy dads. —Pete Johnson on

Echo churches

[ Sept. 29 ] The author mentions a “darker trend” toward politicization in churches, but should a pastor enjoy a surge of godly pride upon realizing that half his members are pro-choice and LGBT activists? Is that church a depoliticized success? Perhaps churches that refuse to budge on orthodox issues are trending toward faithfulness, not politicization. —Jeremy Larson / Virginia Beach, Va.

Evangelical political views should come from a Biblical worldview, but we should welcome those without one in the hope that attending church with us will help them develop one. —Rick Bye on

While a church should be open to discussion on any matter, it is no surprise that those with strong moral foundations would feel more comfortable together and those without would feel more comfortable elsewhere. —Chris Chambers on

Forty years ago Republicans and Democrats didn’t seem so diametrically opposed, but now it is tough to find common ground. I want to find connection points, as I believe God directs us, but the chasm is wide. —Bev Roe on

Are evangelicals to seek out churches that espouse progressive views such as same-sex marriage? Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost, but when it comes to worship—not evangelism—how is it a “darker trend” and a “contradiction” if believers share a Biblically inspired faith? —John Mays / Burke, Va.

‘Gay, but celibate’

[ Sept. 29 ] To say that people who struggle with same-sex attraction and remain celibate out of obedience to Christ are ineligible for positions of leadership in the church shows that you are very close-minded and ill-informed. —Robb Moss / Lynn Haven, Fla.

It is not wise to celebrate or hide same-sex attraction, even if there is a promise of celibacy. Those who struggle with heterosexual and homosexual sin are the same. The world tells us homosexuals can’t help it, but the Bible says differently. —Bob Kadlecik on

As long as people buy in to the lie that our identity is in our lusts and that to fulfill them is to fulfill our personhood, they will eventually act on those lusts. I’ve got to hand it to the devil—this lie has been spectacularly effective. —JennyBeth Gardner on

Saying goodbye to Nike

[ Sept. 29 ] It was so refreshing to read of College of the Ozarks President Jerry Davis’ courageous banning of Nike athletic gear. —Martha Martinson / Pine City, Minn.

I understand discomfort with not standing for the national anthem, but our military (including my husband) took an oath to defend the Constitution—not a flag or anthem—and it protects our right to protest. Kaepernick is trying to bring racism to light; in our great country we still fall short on treating each other equally. —Dianne Danielson / Gulf Breeze, Fla.

Beer bashing

[ Sept. 29 ] Prohibition is an example of the tendency to seek the eradication of one vice, thinking it will cure all societal ills. Let us remember that true salvation is found in Christ, who heals all brokenness. —Pauline Marie Ferrill on Facebook

We were dismayed at this column’s tone toward Prohibition. As chaplains at a large county jail, we have seen hundreds struggling to escape the chains of alcoholism after starting as social drinkers. Inmates are incredulous hearing that some Christians drink. —Linda & Ron Jinkens / Arlington, Wash.

Puppets go ‘blue’

[ Sept. 29 ] Andrée Seu Peterson’s exposition of how we’re all about the children in this country, “except when we’re not,” is brilliant and heart-wrenching. We as parents need to be far more mindful of the fact that children can never unsee things. —Ursula MacDougall / Modesto, Calif.

Beyond sanctions

[ Sept. 29 ] Thank you for this wise article. I pray that Iran can be liberated by its people and a relationship with our country be regained. —Brandon Windham / McDonald, Tenn.

A seat at the circus

[ Sept. 29 ] Thank you for a wonderful article calling the Kavanaugh hearing exactly what it was: a circus. —Thomas Leep on

A new and different Jack

[ Sept. 29 ] That spinning sound is Tom Clancy turning over in his grave. Admiral Greer a converted Muslim and cynic? Evil Americans and Israelis were responsible for turning simple, peace-loving Muslims into terrorists because they “targeted” innocent civilians in the Bekaa Valley in the ’80s? What drivel. The “real” Jack Ryan was portrayed best by Harrison Ford. —Russ Hepler on Facebook

God Bless the Broken Road

[ Sept. 29 ] Your reviewer didn’t like this movie, but I am thankful for its message: God saves us in so many ways when we are totally broken and have nowhere to go except back to Him. —Gail Graeser, Fremont, Mich.

Not Louie’s story

[ Sept. 29 ] Unbroken is a real page-turner. It’s a shame that Unbroken: Path to Redemption distorted the real story. —Ritva Menbere on Facebook

More letters, emails, and comments we didn’t have space for in the print edition:

Dear Anonymous Dad

[ Sept. 29 ] I’m deeply disappointed that this article did not discuss the implications of DNA testing that allows people to find biological parents who may have wanted to remain anonymous. What about closed adoptions, incest, or rape victims? Sometimes parents keep certain information from their children on purpose. —Jason B. Watson / Miller, S.D.

Hard tests for China’s Christian schools

[ Sept. 29 ] Christians under pressure have a tendency to become diamonds. It’s strange how that works. —Henry Lee Nolden on Facebook

Not Louie’s story

[ Sept. 29 ] Why do moviemakers do this? The story of Louis Zamperini’s salvation is raw and real, not sappy and tied in a bow. —Carole Hutchings on Facebook

Crouching at every door

[ Sept. 15 ] I found this article very disappointing. The examples of sexual abuse from the Protestant world are bad, but they are not on par with the evil in the Catholic Church, where priests up to the highest levels have lied, obfuscated, and protected wrongdoers. —Grant H. McAllister / Wood Village, Ore.


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