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"Upside down" (April 9)

Although some can argue that the United States shouldn't have supported a no-fly zone over Libya, it's hard to deny that it hasn't been effective. Tomahawk missiles and aircraft have provided the rebels with the time to organize, but the rebels should still be the primary instruments in trying to defeat Qaddafi. If they fail to do so, any attempt to create democracy in Libya will likely fail due to lack of political will. Austin Clark; Coronado, Calif.

Thank you for your coverage and insight into the tragedies. It's a beautiful day here in Chiba, Japan. The shining sun makes the park across from our apartment building look so green and healthy. Some friends believe the government reports that the radiation from Fukushima isn't strong or close enough to be a danger. Others drink only bottled water and discourage their children from playing outside. Are we being foolish or wise? Ree Coulbourne; Chiba, Japan

"Liberal 'love'" (April 9)

Rob Bell, founder of Mars Hill Church and author of Love Wins, is one of those who profess to lead people in the truth but are really filled with deception. I shouldn't be surprised when heretics reveal themselves, but my heart grieves for the people they lead astray. Merrill Dean Olson; Isanti, Minn.

The review of Bell's new book noted that he is "not a theologian or biblical scholar, and no one would mistake him for one." Does he not teach from the pulpit of Mars Hill Bible Church? If so, doesn't that calling require that he be a student of the Word? We all need to learn to interpret Scripture correctly, especially those who teach from the pulpit or by writing books. Susan Cort Johnson; Westwood, Calif.

Are Christian universalists a new "liberal" group? Hardly. Augustine in the fifth century referred to them as "certain tender hearts of our own religion" and in his writing pursued a "gentle disputation" with them. Augustine strongly disagreed with them, but he accepted them as brothers. Shall we not do the same? Kurt Maechner; Berea, Ohio

It seems to me that God wants to redeem everyone; the real question is, "Does everyone want what God offers?" The answer to that seems to be no. We must not confuse God's desire for everyone, as revealed in Christ, with the apparent result. David Lukens; Evanston, Ill.

"Abortion offensives" (April 9)

The actions of the South Dakota, Idaho, Kansas, and Nebraska legislatures are encouraging. Pro-life and Christian groups are slowly making an impact on abortion, and these legislative actions are evidence of that fact. Joshua Lambert; Ramstein, Germany

These new laws will prevent the deaths of some unborn children. However, we Christians should continue to be revolted by any legal process that allows babies to be killed. We can hear God cry each time an unborn human life is taken. Bill Waddel; Richland, Wash.

"I didn't hear it on NPR" (April 9)

I share Timothy Larsen's frustration. I too am a regular listener and I support NPR. But how many times have I asked myself out loud, are there no Christians or conservatives anywhere in the broad landscape of NPR? Doesn't it seem odd that the articulate folks at NPR can't pronounce the word faith without choking on it? Kelly Carroll; Gresham, Ore.

Timothy Larsen makes a good point but he leaves out any comment on whether, first and foremost, the government has any business being in that business. William Wentworth; Dover, N.H.

"Tax time coming" (April 9)

With all the negative news taking up so much space, a few good jokes were in order. Thanks for making my day. Marvin Engbrecht; Nappanee, Ind.

I appreciated Marvin Olasky's joke about the terminally ill woman marrying a tax accountant but, as an actuary myself, I've heard this story told about my profession. After all, an actuary is a person who might have been an accountant-but didn't have enough personality. And do you know how to tell whether an actuary is an introvert or an extrovert? When an extroverted actuary is talking to you, he looks at YOUR shoes. Lee Barclay; Olympia, Wash.

"Devaluing 'values'" (April 9)

I think the most shocking (and deadly) example of the "semantic infiltration" Janie Cheaney decried is the redefining of conception. In 1965 the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology changed the meaning of the word from the fertilization of an egg by a sperm to the implantation of a fertilized egg. Hormonal contraceptives can then be described as "preventing pregnancy" instead of "starving to death a 1-week-old human." Sarah Stefanic; Brookings, S.D.

"A dose of reality" (April 9)

We've been in the cross-cultural consulting business for the past 34 years trying to bring biblical sanity to the field of global diversity for our clients. We've seen what Joel Belz described. When we began in 1977 our clients needed to expand their thinking from my-way-or-the-highway to a genuine appreciation of difference. Now the pendulum has swung to the other extreme where everything is merely different, with no rights or wrongs. Wayne Shabaz; Holland, Mich.

"Little love" (April 9)

Thank you for your honest review of Sister Wives. I live in a country where polygamy is widely practiced and the women here are not happy campers. When I first came here women would defend this lifestyle as those in the TV show do. But as I have built relationships, the truth has come out, and they do not like sharing their man. Jennifer A. Bowers; Kayes, Mali

Quick Takes (April 9)

I enjoyed the article about the Pancake Race in Olney, England, but you omitted an important tie to the United States: The race is also an annual competition between Olney and Liberal, Kan., that dates back to 1950. Liberal now leads with 36 wins (including this year's race) to Olney's 25. Brian Lair; Wichita, Kan.

Whenever a WORLD comes in the mailbox, my whole family fights over who gets to read it first. Whenever I get it I always turn to the Quick Takes first. They are very interesting, and sometimes just crazy. Hudson Parris; Bel Aire, Kan.

"Beck, Jesus, and me" (March 26)

Kudos for Marvin Olasky's comments exposing Glenn Beck's media circus for what it is. It has taken so long for rational people of faith to see how Beck espouses man climbing upward on his own without Jesus Christ. Isn't it sad that he left Jesus on the editing room floor instead of offering Him as the solution his audience needs? Jeffrey & Carol Carts; Coudersport, Pa.

I am grateful for the information Beck provides about what is really going on in our country and the world. His comments about man ruling himself refer to the government's intention to rule every aspect of our lives, rendering us ignorant victims, incapable of choosing our own priorities and making decisions. Pat Meyers; Pough, N.Y.

Olasky is right: Nothing works apart from Jesus Christ. Only Christ can enlighten, educate, empower, and endow us with creativity. Free will has done nothing but lead us astray from God's providential will. John Wynn; Lutherville, Md.

"With these cuts, they may die" (March 26)

Would it not be better if people work through their local churches to support this important work rather than contacting their congressional representatives to urge them to continue funding it? The federal government will be much less efficient with our tax dollars than an effective charity, and almost half the money the government spends will be borrowed. Viston & Susann Smith; Tigard, Ore.


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