Maher says what liberals think | WORLD
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Maher says what liberals think

"I thought when we elected a black president we were gonna get a black president," said far-left comic Bill Maher last week. "You know, this is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt so they can see the gun in his pants."

Where's the outrage? Where are the calls for Maher---"Mocker," he might better be called---to go to sensitivity training? Remember when radio shock jock Don Imus called some young women basketball champions "nappy-headed hos?" It was truly offensive and Imus paid for his cruelty and bigotry by losing his radio show. What will happen to the always avant-garde Bill Maher?

Chances are, nothing. That's because Maher says what liberals actually think. He made big bucks off his shock-you-mentary film Religulous. He managed to find a large number of not very intelligent or articulate folks and mocked them for their childlike faith. If Bill Maher were God he would have come to save the smart and the smart-alecks and to hell with the rest, including all the kids who ride on the short bus.

The reason Maher's image of a strong black man is that of a street tough is that he is completely alienated from two of the main institutions that resonate with real strong black men: the church and the military. Since the days of slavery, the black church has been an institution that has trained and supported strong male leadership. It's no accident that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist preacher, or that most of his colleagues in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference also were pastors, men like the Rev. Hosea Williams and the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy.

Liberals like Maher have no use for the black church, or for any church, except perhaps Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ, where anti-American sentiment vies with overt racism for equal time in the pulpit.

Similarly, liberals scorn the military. John Kerry, as a young Vietnam veteran, appeared in front of Congress wearing a garish combination of Beatles haircut, unkempt combat jacket, and full-dress medals, or at least the ones he hadn't thrown over the White House fence in protest. Decades later, as a U.S. senator, he had to beat a hasty retreat after saying the smart young ones go to college and the rest go to Afghanistan.

General Elena Kagan, solicitor general, that is, fought the Battle of Harvard Yard by trying to keep U.S. military recruiters off campus. The law that prevents open homosexuality in the ranks offended her. It was a law passed by a Democratic Congress and signed by Democratic President Bill Clinton. No matter, Kagan was anti-military in that culture clash.

Military culture is, admittedly, not a liberal culture. Too much God and country stuff for the left. One exception, of course, was Gen. Jim Jones, USMC. Gen. Jones serves as President Obama's National Security Advisor. It's not too surprising. Ask any Marine officer who served with Gen. Jones and you'll get the same response: "He's the liberal." That's one way to make a mark in the Corps.

Bill Maher is not the sort to go to the Memorial Day Concert on the National Mall. If he had, he might have heard the story---beautifully related by actors Gary Sinise and Dennis Haysbert---of Pfc. Charlie Johnson. Pvt. Johnson was a hero in the Korean War, a young black man who laid down his life for nine of his fellow soldiers during a human wave attack by Chinese "volunteers." Charlie Johnson was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroism.

To Bill "Mocker" and his fellow liberal scoffers, Charlie Johnson is not what you think of when you think of a strong black man. That's because---strong student, talented musician, and star athlete that he was---Pvt. Johnson was a man of faith. (Read his biography here.) He was, in Maher's phrase, religulous. Students at Arlington High School in Upstate New York celebrate a Charlie Johnson Moment every day. Who will celebrate a Bill Maher Moment?

Ken Blackwell Ken is a former WORLD contributor.


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