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Kagan hearing

Weeks after nominating Solicitor General Elena Kagan for the spot of retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, President Barack Obama will see how his nominee does in the senatorial pressure cooker. She heads to confirmation hearings before the Judiciary Committee on June 28. Most court watchers expect Kagan to get enough votes for confirmation, but not without some fireworks.

Noriega trial

If a French court has its way, former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega will be in court on June 28 to answer charges of laundering drug money while he ruled Panama. More than a decade ago, France convicted Noriega in absentia. However, under French law, the former drug kingpin is entitled to a new trial if he appears in court. The United States extradited Noriega to France in April.

Third Twilight

Get ready for long lines of love-struck girls at the movies. The Twilight movie saga continues on June 30 when Eclipse, the third of the vampire series, is released to theaters.

Internet "rights"

Beginning July 1, the government of Finland will, by law, be required to provide broadband internet access with speeds of at least 1 megabit per second to all citizens. The move is a result of a national measure that ensured high-speed internet as a right for each of the nation's 5.2 million citizens.

Tour de France begins

It won't feature Lance Armstrong or Floyd Landis, but the 97th running of the Tour de France will kick off on July 3. The three-week cycling race has been racked with doping controversy for the past decade.

Independence Day

Floats, drill teams, celebrities, and bands will flock to Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C., for the annual National Independence Day Parade on July 4 as Americans across the country celebrate their nation's birthday.


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