Limitations of the Marxist worldview | WORLD
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Limitations of the Marxist worldview

I address my commentary today to all benevolent politicians and bureaucrats in Washington. It points to just a few of the things that our government can do better than the people but probably shouldn't mess with.

First, we do not want you to fix prices in education. We want you out of education as a provider. Take the various boards of education bureaucrats off the path of new schools like mine and let us compete for the dollars that families save to send their children to college.

And we don't want you to fix prices in healthcare. Just take your "blueprint" with you on the way out of the White House next January and let doctors, nurses, paramedics, and pharmaceutical and insurance companies compete for patient dollars.

We do not want you to "support everyone who's willing to work, and every risk-taker and entrepreneur who aspires to become the next Steve Jobs." These people can support themselves, their families, and many less-fortunate neighbors without your interference. If you really want to help-get out of their way and do not conceive new tax "blueprints" on how to punish them for their success. A promise to "clear away the red tape" that slows down construction projects sounds good, but we need to see much more than the repeal of one 40-year-old "milk spill" regulation.

We do not want a self-appointed federal coach to whip us into shape so we can "win the race for the future." President Obama was right in his State of the Union speech that "we've done it before." Yes, America "built the strongest economy and middle class the world has ever known." But the president fails to see beyond the material forces and will likely never understand why his grandparents "shared the optimism of a nation that had triumphed over a depression and fascism." That generation, Mr. President, was proud to be a "nation under God," while today's environment is dominated by a conviction that God should be contained to the private sphere alone.

Remember how we started by banning religious instruction in public schools? We proceeded with the removal of prayer from the daily routine of young people. Then we stopped reading the Bible to the kids and forbade teachers to tell them that they are "fearfully and wonderfully made" in the image of a loving God. We took away the Ten Commandments from the classrooms and even dumped the nativity scenes from the public buildings.

Now we wonder why a generation without a moral compass, one led by godless judges and politicians, is more likely to break the laws. Human nature has not changed, but given the crackdown on our Christian heritage, should we really be surprised that today's Americans exhibit a diminished sense of community or that they have fewer constraints in their pursuit of wealth and power? The truth is that neither capitalism nor democracy nor any piece of legislation has the power to guarantee our freedoms or our prosperity in the absence of God's truth.

Alex Tokarev Alex is a former WORLD contributor.


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