L'Abri's golden jubilee | WORLD
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L'Abri's golden jubilee

Next year is the 50th anniversary of the founding of L'Abri Fellowship by Francis Schaeffer

L'Abri's golden jubilee
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Next year is the 50th anniversary of the founding of L'Abri Fellowship by Francis Schaeffer. Thousands of young backpackers, burned-out hippies, and other seekers trying to sort out the big issues of life flocked to this study center in the Swiss Alps where they learned about biblical Christianity and its implications for life today.

L'Abri showed evangelicals how to become engaged with the ideas and the culture of the times. Schaeffer, who died in 1984, was a theologian and missionary whose 18 books sold over 2.5 million copies. He and his wife Edith founded L'Abri, French for "The Shelter," which currently operates at 10 sites around the world. Schaeffer's teachings proved foundational for the pro-life movement, worldview analysis, and the spiritual lives of countless L'Abri alumni.

To mark the anniversary, to be commemorated at a jubilee celebration in St. Louis in March 2005, WORLD would like to hear from L'Abri alumni from the Schaeffer years. We would like your reminiscences, anecdotes, stories, and testimonials. We will post them on a special part of WORLD's blog (www.worldmagblog.com). Selected pieces will be published in WORLD as part of our coverage of the L'Abri anniversary next year.

We plan to publish on the blog statements up to 200 words in length, and may publish contributions of up to 500 words, perhaps with editing. Send your contribution to LAbriProject@worldmag.com.


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