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Human Race

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The FBI says it has uncovered evidence that a Tennessee pastor helped Lisa Miller flee the country with her biological 9-year-old daughter, Isabella, who is at the center of a custody battle with Miller's former lesbian partner, Janet Jenkins. According to the affidavit, Amish-Mennonite pastor Timothy David Miller (no believed relation) coordinated travel to Nicaragua for Miller and Isabella after a judge transferred custody of the girl to Jenkins in 2009. Miller and Isabella were allegedly staying at a beach house owned by a businessman linked to Liberty University; their whereabouts are not currently known. Timothy Miller, who worked in Nicaragua as a missionary for Christian Aid Ministries, is free on bond but was due to appear in court again May 10.


In a rare ruling, a Pakistani court has sentenced a man to death for killing two Christian brothers falsely accused of distributing blasphemous pamphlets. Maqsood alias Soodi shot to death Rev. Rashid Emmanuel, 32, and Sajid Emmanuel, 30, as they left a court hearing last July just days after handwriting experts concluded that the signatures on the blasphemous papers did not match the brothers' handwriting.


Katie Couric, 54, will bid adieu to the CBS Evening News when her contract expires in June. Couric, who in 2006 became the first woman to anchor a network TV evening newscast by herself, failed during her tenure to buoy the network out of its third-place ranking. Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes is expected to succeed Couric.


The final episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show will air on May 25, marking the end of Winfrey's legendary 25-year run as host of the popular talk show. Winfrey, 57, is not retiring, however: She will turn her attention to her new cable network, OWN, which launched in January.


On April 23 Christian recording artist Rebecca St. James, 33, married Jacob Fink. St. James, who released her signature song "Wait For Me" in 2000, has used her platform to challenge young adults to remain abstinent until marriage. "I always knew that God's way was the best, that I wanted to wait, and that I valued purity," she told the Christian Post. "I'm just so thrilled to be able to see God tie that beautiful bow on this waiting story."


Former Dutch diplomat Max van der Stoel, the Netherlands' former ambassador to the United Nations and the human-rights champion who uncovered the atrocities of Saddam Hussein's regime, died April 23 at the age of 86. During the '90s, Van der Stoel monitored the abuses occurring in Iraq and concluded in his final 1999 report that Hussein's record on human rights was one of the worst since World War II.


San Francisco 49ers' Hall of Fame fullback Joe Perry, who became the first NFL player to rush for more than 1,000 yards in two consecutive seasons, died April 25 at the age of 84.


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