High Stakes on the high court | WORLD
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High Stakes on the high court

Protecting the right to live as Christians

The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia—who was a conservative, pro-life, pro–Second Amendment, anti-racial preferences Roman Catholic—left a court evenly split between conservative and liberal judges.

For Americans who want to see immigration law enforced, the even number proved positive. President Barack Obama tried to push through a plan to grant amnesty to certain illegal aliens, but the Supreme Court announced it was deadlocked in the case last June, a decision that upheld a lower court’s injunction against the president’s attempt to circumvent Congress.

But we can’t afford to rely on favorable lower court decisions and a high court with no tiebreaking vote. We knew how much was a stake during the election, with the next president replacing Justice Scalia. The composition of the Supreme Court should concern believers in this anti-Christian climate.

As the homosexual lobby successfully pushed through its agenda, the president issued “guidance” to public schools to allow boys who self-identify as girls to access facilities where girls expect privacy. Aside from repealing Obamacare—and eliminating its mandate to employers to offer employees health insurance coverage that includes drugs and devices that could induce abortions—President-elect Donald Trump’s first actions should include rolling back Obama’s executive orders and directives like the transgender restroom policy.

We need a high court that will respect the Constitution’s guaranteed protections.

During a speech at The Federalist Society’s annual National Lawyers Convention earlier this month, Justice Samuel Alito said freedom of religion is in great danger. For example, the Supreme Court decided not to hear the case of a Christian pharmacy in Washington that was ordered to stock drugs that could induce abortions. “In this case, there is a strong argument that the law was enacted to rid the state of those troublesome pharmacists who objected to these drugs on religious grounds,” Justice Alito said. “But the 9th Circuit sustained the law, and the Supreme Court did not even think that case deserved review.”

He’s right. We need a high court that will respect the Constitution’s guaranteed protections. Perhaps things will change for the better under new management. Americans who resist the homosexual agenda, Christian or otherwise, should not be penalized for it. Court decisions affect our day-to-day living and can be the difference between prosperity and bankruptcy.

The question of who will replace Justice Scalia and maybe one or two others in the coming years is more pressing than ever. We know there’s much more at stake than so-called social issues, but let’s start there. Strengthen freedom of speech and religion. Encourage respect for the modesty of women and girls. Protect their privacy and work to ensure their safety, rather than catering to the deviant inclinations of a few. The time for making our case is over. It’s time to start doing.

We hope the new administration ushers in a new era for American Christians, who have a right to live as Christians without the government they pay for ordering them to promote the profaning of marriage, the normalization of homosexuality, and corruption of children.

La Shawn Barber La Shawn is a former WORLD columnist.


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