Globe Trot: Vladimir Putin is cheering for a Brexit | WORLD
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Globe Trot: Vladimir Putin is cheering for a Brexit

Most Western leaders are pleading with U.K. voters to stay in the EU

BREXIT: Russian President Vladimir Putin will take a keen interest in the outcome of tomorrow’s vote in Britain on whether to exit the European Union. He wants it.

Asian automakers and Indian conglomerates are against it.

A vote in favor of exiting the EU (currently too close to call) could end Game of Thrones.

Good BBC cheat-sheet here.

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: In 2013, the West stood back and watched as French-speaking Central African Republic—which is 76 percent mostly Protestant Christian—fell to a well-armed and heavily funded alliance of Arabic-speaking jihadists. Now the country is awash in competing militias, with Christians caught in the crossfire: More than 250 have been abducted in the first three months of this year.

IRAQ: Fighting Islamic State in Fallujah is not a zero-sum game, as this article suggests. But Iraq’s divided Sunnis will have to be brought alongside the fight in order for the country to have a future.

The American aid group Preemptive Love Coalition continues to bring aid to the estimated 90,000 Fallujah residents in dire need—100,000 pounds of aid delivered over the weekend, I’ve been told.

EGYPT: The Jesus Fragment (or “The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife”) is a fake—in case you were wondering. The Harvard scholar who “discovered” it now admits as much.

Mindy Belz

Mindy is a former senior editor for WORLD Magazine and wrote the publication’s first cover story in 1986. She has covered wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Africa, and the Balkans, and she recounts some of her experiences in They Say We Are Infidels: On the Run From ISIS With Persecuted Christians in the Middle East. Mindy resides with her husband, Nat, in Asheville, N.C.



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