Different reactions to Michael Sam and Tim Tebow | WORLD
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Different reactions to Michael Sam and Tim Tebow

If you ever need proof of a leftist media-generated double standard in this country, look no further than the reaction to Michael Sam’s coming out, his selection in the NFL draft, and his cringe-inducing kiss with another man—shown on national TV—and the reaction to Tim Tebow’s Christian faith.

I’ve written favorable columns about Tebow, so I’m biased. In fact, I’m biased toward conservative Christians of any race, ethnicity, or nationality. The secularists want religion, Christianity in particular, to be a private matter. But homosexuality is out in the open. Praising God? Bad and boring. Flaunting an abomination in the eyes of God? Awesome and fascinating.

Why are sexual proclivities a badge of honor? How does someone’s choice of a sexual partner raise him to the level of hero worthy of praise of the president of the United States? It’s like being in some sci-fi movie where destructive and unnatural activities are deemed good, though they’re obviously not, but everyone parrots the official line because they’re afraid of retaliation from totalitarian and ubiquitous authorities. Wait … that’s not fiction. That’s reality.

Even an adulterer like Donald Trump can see it. He said on Fox News that we’ve “become so politically correct in this country that the country is going to hell. People are afraid to talk. They’re afraid to express their own thoughts. I’ve heard many people—I’m not even speaking for myself, but I’ve heard many people that thought the display after [Michael Sam] was chosen was inappropriate. And whether or not it was, I don’t know. But it was certainly out there a little bit.”

I’ll say what Trump won’t, and I’ll say it with certainty. Not only was the male-on-male kissing display inappropriate, it triggered a normal reaction in most people: disgust. No matter how powerful the homosexual lobby and its allies become, biology and human instinct will never change. I say to anyone on the receiving end of a leftist backlash: Don’t back down, and don’t apologize unless you got the facts wrong.

If publicly stating the obvious—that marriage is the union between a man and a woman—can get you removed from a TV show or costs you your job, why doesn’t expressing disapproval of Christianity result in the same treatment? At least one NFL player who dared to criticize Michael Sam on Twitter will be sent to indoctrination camp. A former player got the leftist-backlash treatment for saying he couldn’t believe that ESPN would show two men kissing with children watching the draft—a normal reaction.

Knowing the end result keeps me hopeful. God has already won. We’re still in the harvest season of gathering souls for the kingdom. We fight the culture war every day to maintain some semblance of decency. One day, Michael Sam might repent and accept Christ. As for those of us already part of the kingdom, take comfort in what Christ said: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Listen to a Cal Thomas commentary on this topic on The World and Everything in It:

La Shawn Barber La Shawn is a former WORLD columnist.


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