By the Numbers: Boeing’s backlog | WORLD
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By the Numbers: Boeing’s backlog

In-flight incident slows plane production even as demand continues

Illustration by Krieg Barrie

By the Numbers: Boeing’s backlog
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The number of commercial jets Boeing delivered in the first quarter of 2024, compared with 157 such planes delivered in the final quarter of 2023. Safety concerns have slowed Boeing’s production following the Jan. 5 incident with Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 in which a door plug fell off a Boeing 737 Max 9 shortly after takeoff, likely due to missing bolts.


The number of days the Federal Aviation Administration gave Boeing on Feb. 28 to create a comprehensive plan to address safety issues.


The number of Boeing 737 Max 9 airplanes grounded by the FAA following the January incident.


The number of months it would take Boeing to clear its current backlog of ordered jets—6,259 according to Forecast International’s Flight Plan—at the present rate of construction.


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