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Where the evidence leads

Fossils show dinosaurs had more spine

Scare over groom's TB is just the beginning for fellow travelers

Mark Bergin | Al Gore's latest book tour has less science than politics and less polish than the movie version

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now dealing with the very scenario it warned might happen if global TB surveillance did not improve


Lynde Langdon | Far from going the way of the sanitarium and the tenement house, tuberculosis has found a drug-resistant new life of its own

Mark Bergin | Iowa State denies tenure to an intelligent design advocate with impeccable credentials

Eighteen months after bird flu hysteria, preparedness meansures garner little attention

Mark Bergin | As European climate-change policies crumble, the U.S.

Mark Bergin | A thoughtful Danish author says the Gore stress on global warming is not the way to help poor people

Mark Bergin | Supreme Court justices take on the role of scientist in scolding the Bush administration over CO2 emissions