The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now dealing with the very scenario it warned might happen if global TB surveillance did not improve
Lynde Langdon | Far from going the way of the sanitarium and the tenement house, tuberculosis has found a drug-resistant new life of its own
Mark Bergin | Iowa State denies tenure to an intelligent design advocate with impeccable credentials
Eighteen months after bird flu hysteria, preparedness meansures garner little attention
Mark Bergin | As European climate-change policies crumble, the U.S.
Mark Bergin | A thoughtful Danish author says the Gore stress on global warming is not the way to help poor people
Mark Bergin | Supreme Court justices take on the role of scientist in scolding the Bush administration over CO2 emissions
Mark Bergin | Biodiesel advocates champion soybean oil and recycled French fry fat-but problems lurk beneath the hype
States and drug companies back down on vaccine mandates
Becky Perry | Global warming's the hot topic, but one climate scientist exposes dissension in the expert ranks. "We wonder if we've oversold the science"